safe conduct in a sentence

Use ‘safe conduct’ in a sentence | ‘safe conduct’ example sentences

1- Police officers were promised safe conduct and subsequent release.

2- He arrived at Versailles under a safe conduct later that evening.

3- Masur had been promised safe conduct by Himmler.

4- safe conducts , 68, 69.

5- Despite their promise for safe conduct , the Greeks massacred them all.

6- The fifteenth law is that “all men that mediate peace be allowed safe conduct .

7- Scotty Kyle roared with laughter as he finished reading the safe conduct Pass.

8- Law 42 gives the umpires specific duties to ensure the safe conduct of the game.

9- Their administration issued him a letter of ” safe conduct ” protecting him from persecution.

10- Rufus, albeit reluctantly, guaranteed the rebels life and limb and gave them safe conduct .

11- They have safe conducts and passes to travel to Nottingham where you will meet them.

12- To reside in Baixada Santista, the Japanese had to have a safe conduct .

13- Armed with safe conduct papers, he lectures on natural history and installs Villiers in Paris.

14- V-Speeds a collection of nearly three-dozen different indicated airspeeds pertinent to the safe conduct of flight.

15- Promised safe conduct , he was marched under guard to the townhouse where the council had assembled.

16- The legions were promised safe conduct if they left the camp to be sacked by the rebels.

17- Tosca removes the safe conduct from his hand and starts to leave, but then turns back. The French garrison of Urfa held out for two months until it sued for negotiations with the Turks for safe conduct out of the city.

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