rood screen in a sentence

Use ‘rood screen’ in a sentence | ‘rood screen’ example sentences

1- The 14th century rood screen was reduced in height.

2- A rood screen was installed between the chancel and nave.

3- The 15th-century rood screen is of five bays.

4- There is a fine rood screen ; the churchmanship is High.

5- The first post-Romanesque addition to the cathedral was the western rood screen .

6- They all squatted on the paving-stone before the rood screen .

7- He leaned against the rood screen and stared up at his newly repaired roof.

8- Llangwm church has one of the most spectacular rood screens in south Wales.

9- It still retains the places where the former rood screen or possibly rood-beam was attached.

10- The rood screen , that wonderful feature of the medieval church, was now universal.

11- We walked down the dark, dingy nave under the simple rood screen into the sanctuary.

12- The pulpit and rood screen are of quartersawn oak; the altar is constructed of marble.

13- Two screens divided the length of the church: a rood screen and a pulpitum.

14- To inspect their incomparable rood screen – or woood screen, as he called it.

15- Another rood screen in St Mary’s church, Worstead also depicts him holding nails.

16- The church was refurnished with a Perpendicular wooden rood screen , new pews and stalls.

17- The Pulpit is Jacobean and the rood screen by Temple Moore dates from 1910.

18- The rood screen was re-erected in the Anglican parish church of Holy Trinity, Reading.

19- The passage through the rood screen was fitted with doors, which were kept locked except during services.

20- Nor does the 13th century liturgical commentator Durandus refer directly to rood screens or rood lofts.

21- There appears to have been a rood screen thrown between the two western piers of the crossing.

22- I read in your website about the Rood length of the sanctuary behind the rood screen .

23- Painted rood screens occur rarely, but some of the best surviving examples are in East Anglia.

24- The panel was formerly part of a rood screen at the Norwich Church of St John Maddermarket.

25- The gilded reredos, a reworking of the 15th-Century rood screen presents the figures of twelve saints.

26- So if Anne Boleyn had any emblem in the actual rood screen then it cannot be changed.

27- Choir and rood screen : Renaissance style, decorated with reliefs depicting scenes of saints, carved from limestone.

28- Before the 1856 restoration an “elegant” Gothic carved oak rood screen between the chancel and nave was noted.

29- A nearly complete restoration can be seen at Eye, Suffolk, where the rood screen dates from 1480.

30- He had built this out on the steps of the church and placed it on trestles before the rood screen .

31- The interior has rectangular nave leading in the traditional fashion through a rood screen to a smaller and lower ceilinged chancel.

32- The altars and the rood screen disappeared, windows were bricked up and new ones broken through the walls as required.

33- There is a modern rood screen , a spacious and lofty central lantern, and a reredos with a carved spandrel.

34- During the Reformation in the mid-sixteenth century the Chantry chapels were dissolved and the rood screen across the Chancel was destroyed.

35- In 1560, the rood screen of the nearby St. Martin Vintry was dismantled and fashioned into pews for St. James.

36- A large number of gravestones of the Lords of Hirschhorn and also a Gothic sandstone rood screen can be seen there.

37- In the 19th century, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin campaigned for the re-introduction of rood screens into Catholic church architecture.

38- The rood screen is so called because it was surmounted by the Rood itself, a large figure of the crucified Christ.

39- The north aisle with its arcade of pillars was built on in 1877 and the rood screen and the reredos behind the altar are modern. There was once a rood screen across the chancel, as shown by markings on the north wall and on the westernmost of the arches.

40- The Chancel The carved woodwork behind the altar may well be the remains of the rood screen which once stood above the chancel arch.

41- The Lady Chapel is from the 15th century, as is the oak screen below the west gallery and rood screen.

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