rise in temperature in a sentence

Use “rise in temperature” in a sentence | “rise in temperature” example sentences

1- Residents can expect another slight rise in temperatures .

2- The rise in temperature is due to its rise in pressure.

3- The rise in temperature could lead to outdoor citrus cultivation being possible.

4- Connected , they make the dramatic final rise in temperatures .

5- Can a rise of temperature CAUSE further rise in temperature ?

6- Maybe it was stupefied by the abrupt rise in temperature .

7- The rise in temperature tells a woman when she is most fertile.

8- The result was an immediate rise in temperature and pressure within the reactor.

9- But why did the rise in temperatures stop from around 1940 to 1975?

10- What does your class think could have caused this rise in temperature ?

11- It goes down in the daytime with rise in temperature and traffic load.

12- Studies have found men report discomfort due to rises in temperature much earlier than women.

13- Also a rise in temperature melts fats making them more fluid and easier to remove.

14- Both Volga Federal District and Southern Federal District reported large rises in temperature .

15- He observed a rise in temperature , which Reich argued was caused by orgone.

16- A steady rise in temperatures .

17- Eddy currents consume a considerable amount of energy and often cause a harmful rise in temperature .

18- If there is a sharp rise in temperature the frog will jump out and live .

19- If the rise in temperature really is only 0.4 deg C then that changes everything.

20- This is a positive coefficient – that is, capacitance rises with a rise in temperature .

21- The IPCC has repeatedly been over estimating the rise in temperature for all reports so far.

22- A regression analysis determines that the answer is yes, the rise in temperature is indeed faster.

23- Greenland ice cores show rapid rises in temperature during ice ages (“Dansgaard-Oeschger events”).

24- Other surface measurements, notably in Siberia, indicate a rise in temperature over this period.

25- For every 10 °C rise in temperature , the rates of biochemical reactions more than double.

26- Even a temporary rise in temperature of a few degrees can kill corals across miles of reef.

27- At Buna a rise in temperature of 1° or 2° F. increases physical discomfort tremendously.

28- Additional data going back 11,000 years show that we are experiencing an unprecedentedly rapid rise in temperatures .

29- With the painted turtle, a 4 C rise in temperature would result in solely female offspring.

30- RACING looks set to resume normal service this week after a rise in temperatures around the country.

31- This time it failed , triggering a rapid and huge rise in temperature in that data center.

32- Scientists learned that the rise in temperatures have been unmatched in at least the past 4,000 years .

33- The relationship between rising CO2 in greenhouse gases and rises in temperature show that temperature rises first.

34- It can cause sickness, diarrohea, a drop in blood pressure and a rise in temperature .

35- That no satellite or radiosonde balloon data has found a rise in temperature since around 1950 or so?

36- The service life is halved with each 8 °C.(14.4 °F.) rise in temperature .

37- Government organisations predict the region to rise in temperature and become the hottest region in the United Kingdom.

38- The rapid rise in temperature may lead to more severe consequences than a gradual rise of the same magnitude.

39- With a continuing rise in temperature the oak, elm and hazel arrived in Denmark around 7000 BC.

40- The last time I looked at the IPCC predictions , the predictions greatly overestimated the rise in temperature .

Related Words:
high temperaturelow temperatureair temperaturewater temperatureat room temperatureraise the temperaturelower the temperaturerise in temperaturerun a temperatureambient temperaturetempesttempestedtempestingtempeststempestuous

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