review portfolio in a sentence

Use “review portfolio” in a sentence | “review portfolio” example sentences

1- Upon receipt, we review all portfolios .

2- We look forward to reviewing portfolios again in 2006.

3- This has become the accepted mode of reviewing portfolios around the world.

4- Erm in that erm er we’ve got facility to review portfolios .

5- We last reviewed the portfolio in October, since when it has risen by 6.5 per cent.

6- First, the team reviewed the office portfolio to evaluate energy performance and physical characteristics at a building level.

7- portfolios are reviewed at the end of the spring semester during the sophomore year, or when foundation courses are finished.

8- At the invitation of Mesiac Fotografie , FotoFest founders Fred Baldwin and Wendy Watriss went to Bratislava to review portfolios .

9- One of the joys of my current assignment is to review portfolios of students who are applying to graduate with University Honors.

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