red tape in a sentence

How to use red tape in a sentence

1- Extra special treatment is imperative to get the vessel through government red tape, so that she can leave port on time.

2- We must cut through the red tape.

3- But red tape is an inevitable result of reform.

4- It takes weeks to get through the red tape.

5- Many blame Britain’s decline on too much red tape.

6- The new rules should help cut the red tape for farmers.

7- There are regulations, laws and red tape.

8- U.S. companies fear the red tape will scare off customers.

9- We got bogged down in a morass of detail and bureaucratic red tape.

10- What annoyed me most was the red tape.

11- You have to go through endless red tape to get a residence permit.

12- Because of all red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight.

13- We embrace our rules and red tape to prevent bad things from happening, of course.

14- There had been red tape to contend with all along – but at last the children were back.

15- Extra special treatment is imperative to get the vessel through government red tape, so that she can leave port on time.

16- We must cut through the red tape.

17- But red tape is an inevitable result of reform.

18- red tape encumbered all our attempts at action.

19- The hall was decked up with coloured tape and banners.

20- The new rules should help cut the red tape for farmers.

21- U.S. companies fear the red tape will scare off customers.

22- You have to go through endless red tape to get a residence permit.

23- It takes weeks to get through the red tape.

24- Many blame Britain’s decline on too much red tape.

25- There are regulations, laws and red tape.

26- We got bogged down in a morass of detail and bureaucratic red tape.

27- What annoyed me most was the red tape.

28- Because of all red tape at immigration I missed my connecting flight.

29- We embrace our rules and red tape to prevent bad things from happening, of course.

30- There had been red tape to contend with all along – but at last the children were back.

31- Much legal red tape has been cut.

32- His comprehensive law to cut bureaucratic red tape was similarly backed.

33- Most planning red tape should be swept away .

34- The Minister is hiding behind red tape .

35- It has been nothing but red tape and headaches .

36- A load of red tape which achieves very little .

37- We can attempt to simplify red tape .

38- There are regulations, laws and red tape .

39- We ‘ve got too much red tape , period.

40- This was not easy and full of red tape .

41- Such an approach merely gets caught up in red tape .

42- What annoyed me most was the red tape .

43- One interview at NBC went exceedingly well before red tape interfered .

44- Many blame Britain’s decline on too much red tape .

45- The Lib Dems are still blocking necessary cutbacks to red tape .

46- The perception is that corruption and red tape are finally addressed decisively .

47- The new program cuts red tape and streamlines processes.

48- red tape studies is also in the area.

49- There are is no red tape for climbing in Norway.

50- Cities get own minister ‘to cut red tape ‘.

51- Nevertheless, Mexico is full of bureaucracy and red tape .

52- This may be the result of funding or red tape .

53- And what is so special about the legal red tape ?

54- As if insurance companies do not have red tape .

55- The situation makes the thief and the red tape the administrator .

56- If you plant red tape , you’ll harvest corruption.

57- How much red tape do you have to fight through ?

58- So local government red tape harms the wider society in two ways.

59- Economic regulations and red tape are extensive, and corruption is widespread.

60- We will deliver $ 1 billion in red tape savings every year.

61- Swaths of red tape were subsequently placed over their sensitive parts .

62- The tail light covers of your car are made of red tape .

63- In June, the red tape finally came unstuck.

64- Since day one, this Government has been cutting red tape .

65- Apparently ‘ red tape ‘ is not limited to us peasants.

66- It’s just red tape in’t it?

67- This is not red tape for the sake of it.

68- There’s no red tape with London Walks!

69- Among other things the NPR was tasked with cutting regulatory red tape .

70- The result is red tape , unaccountability and constipated government.

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