railway porter in a sentence

Use “railway porter” in a sentence | “railway porter” example sentences

1- Subsequently, railway porters fought for political recognition and were eventually unionized.

2- As of 2008, there were 607 licensed railway porters in Chennai Central.

3- One of his first jobs was working as a railway porter at Beeston railway station.

4- Often he is resignedly mutilated by sour aldermen, by painfully fat lord mayors, by put-upon railway porters .

5- While a student of the philosopher Karl Popper, Soros worked as a railway porter and as a waiter.

6- To avoid becoming an indebted sharecropper himself, Simon works the summer as a railway porter for the Pullman Company.

7- Among the manual workers there were two weavers, a mines steward, and a papermaker; a railway porter , a canal boatman, and a Thames waterman; a joiner and two brickmakers; a hawking couple; two midwives and three domestic servants; a gamekeeper and a shepherd, and seven farmworkers.

8- What perhaps may help us reach a conclusion on the number of pyres is a painting by a former railway porter who worked at Belzec station during the war.

9- I noted also a George Gosling, railway porter , born Somerset about 1835, married to a Martha who was born at Otford in about 1835.

10- The George Gosling born Bristol, Somerset, 1848 was recorded at Snead Street, St Paul, Deptford, a railway porter , married to Eliza born about 1847, Surrey; with a child, Albert born 1870.

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