quite rather fairly tall in a sentence

fairly tall in a sentence

1- A fairly tall plant which develops a thick rootstock.

2- Well fairly tall , fairly sort of stocky build.

3- It was in a fairly tall plastic mug and there wasn’t much left.

4- This is a fairly tall plant, needing plenty of space in the tank.

5- They are placed side by side on a sort of plateau amongst fairly tall heather.

6- He appears to be a fairly tall man, with long brown hair (now short).

7- It can grow fairly tall from 3 to 10 feet with the flowers being 2 to 4 inches.

8- If it’s a fairly tall one then obviously on it’s side it’s gonna long.

rather tall in a sentence

1- A rather tall order for sure, but not out of the question.

2- Lauren was cute in a plain, wholesome way, slender and rather tall .

3- Terry, I recall, as a rather tall , thin and a little flamboyant.

4- A rather taller head towered above the others at each table, usually bent in equal concentration.

5- Hana is quite petite and despite Adam’s rather tall and fit figure, they get along very well.

6- Her greater trochanter, however, was clearly derived, being short and human-like rather taller than the femoral head.

7- Considering this, getting one of the Italian exotics inside the cramped confines of a mall is a rather tall order.

8- To me it sounds like a rather tall order, but we’ll see – once again, it’s an alpha.

9- Instead a rather tall and youngish-looking man, dressed in western clothes and wearing glasses, stepped in and greeted me rather hiply, as more western-influenced locals are inclined to do.

quite tall in a sentence

1- Even small diameter bays are commonly quite tall .

2- It is quite tall and deep too.

3- He was quite tall , perhaps forty years old.

4- He was white slim and quite tall , yeah?

5- He was quite tall , taller than the rest.

6- Their soldiers were quite tall and clean shaven.

7- quite tall about five foot eight or something like that.

8- She was quite tall and had a nice set of long legs.

9- She’s quite tall , and she has good legs.

10- She was slim, quite tall .

11- Yeah, cos they’re quite tall there aren’t they?

12- In December she was still small : now she is quite tall .

13- I was quite tall for my age , gangly with long limbs.

14- The major characteristic of chant leaders is that they are all quite tall .

15- That’s quite tall , yes.

16- Cos he’s quite tall he can stick his nose into things.

17- The Yaqui Indians have been historically described as quite tall in stature.

18- Most of these plants had true roots and leaves, and many were quite tall .

19- HobbesMkii That she ‘s quite tall and has cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass.

20- He was quite tall and very handsome, and I guess he was his assistant.

21- Sara Calvert was quite tall .

22- She ‘s really quite tall .

23- Anthea, who is really quite tall and has a wonderful crop of curly blonde locks.

24- She is quite tall for a girl her age, has brown hair and gray-blue eyes.

25- Ideally, the centre half-back should be a durable player, quite tall and well-built.

26- I was surprised to see them tower over Prince Phillip, who I assumed was quite tall .

27- For someone quite tall , Martínez may not be the most agile when it comes to twisting.

28- Over time, some varieties of Yucca and Cordyline grow quite tall and develop a long trunk.

29- Trankov was growing quite tall and a coach suggested he take up pair skating when he was 11.

30- He was quite tall .

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