property portfolio in a sentence

Use “property portfolio” in a sentence | “property portfolio” example sentences

1- The licensed chemist property portfolio was valued at the year end by Chesterton.

2- This app makes searching our quality property portfolio easy and fun .

3- Its investments include a significant property portfolio within Christchurch .

4- This platform is protected by Silence ‘s strong intellectual property portfolio .

5- J sainsbury says property portfolio valued at gbp8.

6- It provides no guidance on the management of the property portfolio .

7- The Duchy of Cornwall maintains a substantial property portfolio within the area.

8- This represented about 90 percent of the church property portfolio in the city.

9- Their interest in Sainsbury’s is thought to centre on its property portfolio .

10- As of March 2013 we manage the property portfolios of over 200 landlords.

11- The licensed chemist property portfolio was valued at the year end by Chesterton.

12- The group also sold its property portfolio to Telereal, a property company.

13- We are expected to fully understand the hazard and vulnerabilities associated with client property portfolios .

14- The new purchase boosts Google’s intellectual property portfolio which currently has just 700 patents.

15- Non-aeronautical revenue comes from its significant property portfolio , car park, and retail income.

16- A well diversified stock portfolio could very well be less volatile than a property portfolio .

17- Gordon will focus on expanding the firm ‘s industrial property management portfolio with Missy Quinn.

18- Todd has built Intellectual property portfolios and counseled clients on value creation of intellectual property assets.

19- When rolled out across a large property portfolio , these small changes have a significant impact.

20- They will be looking to increase their rental property portfolio , or to start it.

21- The total commercial value is around £4 billion, including a £1.8 billion regional property portfolio .

22- It is a key project in the BBC’s strategy to rationalise its property portfolio by 2020.

23- Morrisons also owns a substantial property portfolio , as over 90% of its stores are freehold.

24- M &S could be attractive to the Qataris thanks to its £8bn property portfolio .

25- In the United Kingdom, the Crown Estate is a property portfolio owned by the Crown.

26- The oligarch ‘s property portfolio , including the £20 million Ascot mansion, is vulnerable to litigation.

27- Other business interests including a large property portfolio have resulted in Fowler’s net wealth totaling £28 million.

28- Some of the loans were secured against Labour’s property portfolio , including Ed Balls’ constituency offices.

29- Or managing property portfolios ?

30- This system belongs to the firm but Defence owns the information that relates to the Defence property portfolio .

31- This gives Ronson until 1999 to achieve his pledge of selling Heron’s entire £1 billion property portfolio .

32- Properties continued to shine as British Land produced a complicated scheme to release the value of its property portfolio .

33- The company delivers this across Europe, the USA and Canada working with leading property portfolios and industry leaders.

34- Symington also centralized control of all the trusts which held the property portfolio of meeting places around the world.

35- On behalf of the nation, The Crown Estate manages a highly diverse property portfolio across the United Kingdom.

36- As a token of his acknowledgement he was presented with Jagir, Mansab, property portfolio comprising several villages.

37- This core patent, within RXi’s intellectual property portfolio , is the foundation for RXI’s self-delivering platform.

38- General property audit – collates information on a building or property portfolio in order to establish a long-term strategic plan.

39- He currently lives in Philadelphia with his wife Andrea, and is expanding his property portfolio to include foreign investments.

40- It’s allowed me to expand my property portfolio far more quickly than I otherwise would have been able to.

41- Investments income rose 49,8 percent to US $1,97 million with the property portfolio contributing the bulk of the return.

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