primitive tribe in a sentence

Use ‘primitive tribe’ in a sentence | ‘primitive tribe’ example sentences

1- It almost sounds like a call to war by a primitive tribe .

2- Even primitive tribes when dancing submit to the discipline imposed by their leaders.

3- Myths of a giant rainbow-serpent are common among primitive tribes inhabiting the tropics.

4- In many primitive tribes there suppos-edly is no such thing as private property.

5- Giganta joins a primitive tribe to attack Wonder Woman, but is defeated.

6- The blood feud has certain similarities to the ritualized warfare found in many primitive tribes .

7- The Islamic elements were primitive tribes all those years , and never settled those lands consistently.

8- Picts – The Picts are an extremely primitive tribe , who paint their bodies.

9- The most important reason might be the Koyas, being primitive tribes were mainly hunter gatherers.

10- It has been noted that primitive tribes where going barefoot is the norm will also develop bunions.

11- primitive tribes in hot climates wear very little clothing and it is no big deal to them.

12- Such practices of renewal of wooden deity are found among the primitive tribes like Savaras and Konds.

13- This also locks in the way of life of the primitive tribes living on the forest land.

14- For some primitive tribes infinity begins at three, for anything larger is “many” and therefore uncountable.

15- In that part many primitive tribes (Kandha) had lived and there king was also a Kandha.

16- To primitive tribes a head, stuck on a pole at the village boundary, averted evil and brought luck.

17- In Greek lore, the primitive tribes of Arkadia were said to have lived on a stable diet of acorns.

18- It is a sophisticated, modern, industrial leader that is home to many primitive tribes and millions of poor people.

19- During his career, Colby ventured into other, more esoteric areas of research including classifying dreams in ” primitive tribes .

20- Very often social anthropologists who study primitive tribes ‘live’ with them for a period of time using this role.

21- For example, he shows that not only primitive tribes had flood legends but also scholars from the most advanced societies.

22- There are still today Naga tribes in Assam, and the Asur are a primitive tribe of ironsmiths in central India.

23- Preposterous tenets like worshipping idols, images, icons, which can be accepted only by primitive tribes and idolaters and which still exist in Christianity, cannot have access into Islam.

24- It was a common belief amongst primitive tribes that the souls of the dead were conveyed to the land of the hereafter by birds.

25- The reader should not think that these rites of the primitive tribes have no connection with the ‘refined’ dances of the so-called civilized world.

26- Although D H Lawrence was writing of the primitive tribes to inspire a decadent European race to return to its own instinctual being, such ‘romanticism’ is contrary to the classicism of Lewis, with its primacy of reason.

27- Those who have visited or studied primitive tribes that still exist today recognise that some are peaceful and some are violent towards members of other tribes.

28- Among the more primitive tribes , who often pass through periods of want, capacity for food is larger than in the average white.

29- Living in primitive tribes scattered across the harshest and most inhospitable environments in the world, thriving where few men would dare to set foot.

30- Indeed Yang’s self-imposed anonymity reduces his book to a kind of caricature of a European ethnological description of a primitive tribe written around 1900.

31- The megaliths are not of much architectural significance, but they speak of the custom of the primitive tribes erecting memorials at sites of mortuary rites.

32- Lippmann begins this chapter by citing the example of a primitive tribe who had traditionally chopped down trees with the ineffective method of straight cuts.

33- Some of the stages in the progression from nature to civil society, Rousseau will argue, are empirically observable in so-called primitive tribes .

34- The remnants of humanity are either enslaved by the Psychlos and used for manual labor or survive in primitive tribes living in remote areas outside Psychlo control.

35- He claimed that, in such a situation, it is impossible “in principle” to be absolutely certain of the meaning or reference that a speaker of the primitive tribe‘s language attaches to an utterance.

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