possible cause in a sentence

Use “possible cause” in a sentence | “possible cause” example sentences

1- One possible cause of market failure is an externality.

2- There are many possible causes of infertility in women.

3- He reached some tentative conclusions about the possible cause of the accident.

4- There are many possible causes of pedestrian accidents.

5- There are many possible causes of amnesia.

6- A full list of possible causes includes many less common conditions.

7- Another possible cause of sleep paralysis is depression.

8- Another possible cause of condom failure is sabotage.

9- There are many different types of incontinence and many possible causes .

10- Extreme economies of scale are one possible cause .

11- The panel contemplated 25 possible causes of the accident.

12- Steam hammer was suggested as a possible cause .

13- There are many possible causes of these ratios .

14- He is currently investigating possible causes of the increased fire activity .

15- There are simple possible causes for this.

16- The possible causes are trauma, tumors and congenital defects.

17- An improperly functioning ileocecal valve is a possible cause .

18- A set of possible causes are analyzed for their effects.

19- Identify the problem and the possible causes .

20- The design was also cited as a possible cause .

21- Recent theoretical work has clarified two possible causes of ageing.

22- Several possible causes exist for these patterns of neurological dysfunction.

23- Explanation screens then suggest possible causes for the identified problems.

24- But they differed on the possible causes .

25- Can you explain a possible cause and treatment ?

26- Some possible causes can be eliminated based on observational data.

27- What then are the possible causes of conflict within organisations?

28- What are the possible causes of the differences?

29- Several possible causes of Cushing’s syndrome are known.

30- Another possible cause is a ruptured trachea.

31- Use the simple steps below to troubleshoot possible causes .

32- Usual cause: This message has several possible causes .

33- But that was only one of many possible causes .

34- One may well speculate on possible causes for the phenomenon.

35- Union busting is one possible cause of outsourcing.

36- Dropsy is a condition with several possible causes .

37- possible cause 1: Excessive vibration to unit.

38- possible cause 1: Both control cables not attached.

39- Suggest several possible causes for this deficiency.

40- This triggered the uro to run test to determine possible cause .

41- A possible cause for the anaemia was found in 17 patients.

42- This article has elaborated on the possible causes of hard lower stomach.

43- possible cause : Scarlet fever (pictured here ).

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