portfolio mix in a sentence

Use “portfolio mix” in a sentence | “portfolio mix” example sentences

1- The institution’s loan portfolio mix for each country (e.g., types of borrowers, loan maturities, collateral, guarantees, special credit facilities, and other distinguishing factors).

2- portfolio mix for Exposure to the Ring of Fire: The Ring of Fire is the perfect example of a high-risk, high-reward investment.

3- Investors can add exposure to these markets by adding the Schwab Emerging Markets Equity ETF (SCHE) and the Schwab International Small Cap ETF (SHE) to the portfolio mix .

4- In formulating these policies, management should, at a minimum, address goals for portfolio mix and limits within the loan and other asset categories.

5- The Executive Director is held responsible not for specifically achieving the absolute real target rate of return in each period, but rather for doing at least as well as the market using the Target Portfolio’s mix of assets.

6- The CEO plans to engage in a stakeholder process that will evaluate the possibility of a portfolio mix that includes an optimal mix of coal fired generation, natural gas fired generation, and renewable energy.

7- When matched for asset type and portfolio mix , passive managers outperform active managers by about 2% per year, on average after all costs.

8- There is good reason for this conservatism, for unlike the well-heeled, the average investor is depending on this portfolio for retirement, and believes that he/she cannot be aggressive with this investment, and loss aversion controls the portfolio mix .

9- Below is a list of some of the companies (including a short description from their websites) that have exposure to the Ring of Fire and a potential portfolio mix for exposure to the region:

10- The Good for column shows what we think is the best deal by price, relative to account type and portfolio mix . 1

11- Guidelines, which at a minimum, address the goals for portfolio mix and risk diversification and cover the bank’s plans for monitoring and taking appropriate corrective action, if deemed necessary, on any concentrations that may exist;

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