portfolio management in a sentence

Use “portfolio management” in a sentence | “portfolio management” example sentences

1- Project portfolio management has become a hot topic.

2- Effective portfolio management involves both strategic and tactical portfolio management.

3- Effective portfolio management involves both strategic and tactical portfolio management .

4- Investors track earnings per share to inform portfolio management .

5- Class topics include option pricing and portfolio management .

6- Good portfolio management provides mechanisms for screening requests for new applications.

7- portfolio management formulas, answer explanation, binomial model more.

8- Many companies still do not practice project portfolio management at all.

9- C. references the enhanced portfolio management skills of his team. 2.

10- This activity falls under the heading of “Project portfolio management “.

11- The asset and portfolio management department has not changed significantly since our last review.

12- How will you access your email, market data and portfolio management systems?

13- The exam’s predominant focus is on portfolio management and Asset Classes.

14- In application portfolio management , the definition of an application is a critical component.

15- Our portfolio management and equity research teams have more than 200 years of combined experience.

16- Although classified as direct, these purchase have more the attributes of portfolio management .

17- It is essential to continually govern the application portfolio through application rationalization and portfolio management .

18- It is an input to the SOA Governance Service portfolio management process.

19- Cosmos Yatırım (COSMO) – portfolio management .

20- Atlas Menkul (ATLAS) – portfolio management .

21- He is available on a contract basis to discuss your bank’s portfolio management needs.

22- This video is an overview of the 9.21 release of project and portfolio management .

23- Selected as the lead article in the Spring 2009 Journal of portfolio management .

24- Credit services includes the underwriting on consumer credit card loans, portfolio management and risk management.

25- In addition to patent procurement, her work includes product -development consulting and portfolio management .

26- They are active in their portfolio management and understand different types of investments and investment risks.

27- He helped us find a portfolio management software program that fits our needs as financial planners.

28- We provide a portfolio management service for charities with portfolios of £1m and above.

29- Continuing, McGill said: “This makes Application portfolio management a strategic imperative.

30- Its four operating units were mortgage portfolio management , mortgage lending, loan servicing and branch operations.

31- portfolio management takes say 60%, sales and marketing takes 60% of your time.

32- Which of the following is not a type of bond swap used in active portfolio management ?

33- FIN 487FINC 4355> Security Analysis and portfolio management .

34- The Head of portfolio management manages the portfolio management team and assists with strategic debt management.

35- The Head of portfolio management manages the portfolio management team and assists with strategic debt management.

36- When it comes to portfolio management , it is important to determine your plan of attack.

37- Abstract: This project analyses optimal stochastic control problems arising in the context of portfolio management models.

38- Topics include debt securities, equity securities, derivative securities, security analysis, and portfolio management .

39- RPM ( Risk & portfolio management ) is a CTA specialist established 1993 in Stockholm.

40- This catalog is an important input to the Service portfolio management process in SOA Governance.

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