portfolio career in a sentence

Use “portfolio career” in a sentence | “portfolio career” example sentences

1- Energy UK said in a statement on Thursday that Knight is leaving the high-profile post to “develop further a non-executive portfolio career “.

2- Liz now enjoys a portfolio career , which has three strands: leading coaching development Programmes with Meyler Campbell; coaching with The Alliance; and publishing consultancy.

3- Coffee houses have become the social fulcrum of society, the so-called Third Place between home and office – very often because many people, in an age of portfolio careers and nomadic teleworking, no longer have offices to which they regularly go.

4- In a world of short-term contracts, job insecurity and portfolio careers , Hunt’s undying loyalty to his squad (even while rabidly insulting them) make us wistful for a time gone by when you had a job (and colleagues) for life.

5- I met her when she took one of my branding workshops , in which we had fun strategizing how she should present her portfolio career (s).

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