porter in a sentence

Use “porter” in a sentence | “porter” example sentences

1- porter had performed well against heavy odds.

2- The subject was an elderly neighbourhood street porter .

3- The porter flag continued to fly elsewhere.

4- porter had nine children; six reached adulthood.

5- Thorpe & porter published similar formatted titles under various names.

6- porter “et al”. 1997.

7- They registered and avoided using a porter .

8- The meal our porter cooked was simple but satisfying.

9- porter felt it was important to educate toddlers.

10- porter was initially organized as a private company.

11- porter is arrested and released on bail.

12- The porter and conductor start moving toward him.

13- Guinness brewed its last porter in 1974.

14- He found another porter to address himself to.

15- The porter caught the coin and nodded.

16- Guinness porter and stout were a sensation.

17- porter enjoys a long and exhaustive brewing schedule.

18- A porter ‘s found a red nose.

19- Or the re- porter may ask another distracting question.

20- Bill porter was born with cerebral palsy.

21- Corbett ran inside the porter’s house.

22- porter article” Publication while solving the mission.

23- Porter’s men constructed light barricades and made ready.

24- Shirley porter retired after having served nearly fifteen years.

25- porter was always a thin, frail woman.

26- Porter’s forces opened fire at short range.

27- Porter’s writings also discuss focus strategies.

28- Shirley porter became a magistrate before entering local politics.

29- Porter’s promotion had sealed their separation.

30- The porter opens the door for him.

31- The drunken porter allowing them entrance after the usual altercation.

32- Eventually the porter broke away from him.

33- Mrs porter herself answered the question a few moments later.

34- Gareth porter is an historian and national security policy analyst.

35- After that comes the “second big porter climb”.

36- porter had advice for those wed for less than 10 years.

37- Cornelius asked a tall porter in a brown overall.

38- He’s probably talked to the old night porter .

39- There is one porter and about ten cabins per car.

40- porter is a master boxer with excellent power and hand speed.

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