Use “portents” in a sentence | “portents” example sentences
1- The portents are not what one would call auspicious.
2- Government actions were repeatedly misinterpreted as portents of imminent relief.
3- This book covers human beings, portents and transformations.
4- A number of apocalyptic sects see portents of doom everywhere.
5- There were signs , but not yet portents .
6- The portents are not what one would call auspicious.
7- A portentous moment, for those who pay attention to portents .
8- After many generations , signs and portents warned the inhabitants of impending disaster.
9- Many villagers believed that the yellow droppings were portents of imminent earthquake activity.
10- The movements of the Hare were sometimes portents of things to come.
11- But for all of the ominous portents , the Lotus Room?
12- Unfortunately as well, these are therapies and not portents for cure.
13- But the portents are not good.
14- He visits a prophetess every Samhain for portents for the year.
15- He has just murdered Duncan, and the crime was accompanied by supernatural portents .
16- Omens and portents , he believed, are the natural symptoms of certain occurrences.
17- Herein indeed, are portents for those with knowledge (33: 22).
18- Doors that require boosted stats over 99 ( portents or potions) are more common.
19- This naturally caused much alarm to a primitive and credulous people much addicted to portents .
20- They also interpreted omens, prodigies and portents , and formulated their expiation.
21- Helped by a decent sound system at Manchester Academy, the portents were good.
22- Comets in particular were portents of great interest to ancient people and given various astrological interpretations.
23- Green , yellow and red ones are middle spirits, while white ones are portents of luck.
24- Signs and portents were believed.
25- And I fear all portents .
26- Cooper reveals to his boss, Cole, of the portents of a strange dream.
27- Everyone leaves the Althing and prepares, amid portents and prophecies, for the showdown.
28- After receiving heartening portents , Magnús casts off his byrnie and rushes into the attack.
29- Such sightings throughout history often were treated as supernatural portents , angels, or other religious omens.
30- The acceptance of symbols as portents of the future or representations of our present is reprehensible.
31- He is also on intimate terms with the clouds and can tell the portents of storms.
32- Comets, meteors and eclipses were widely seen as portents of doom by most early civilizations.
33- As he flew portents abounded.
34- Strange events and portents abounded.
35- The smoke rising from the chimney of the coffee house connects these portents to the scene below.
36- Gareth, next to Perkin, looked at his father with apprehension, knowing the portents .
37- How are they captured by symbols, signs and portents meaningful to the character or the reader?
38- We will still continue to support A Call to Arms through Signs & portents and book releases.
39- In fact, I find portents they’re actually having fun after a poker-face Buster Keaton fashion.
40- The book closes with panic in the city, terrible portents and visions of the disaster to come.
41- Amberites visit the ghost city to explore their feelings and to seek insight and portents of the future.
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