portentousness in a sentence

Use “portentousness” in a sentence | “portentousness” example sentences

1- Dr Montagu Butler, a notable headmaster, who was also his housemaster, treated the matter with a ridiculous portentousness .

2- Here the portentousness of the first two films is less evident, replaced by a whimsical “plot” (too strong a word for what actually occurs) about an eighteenth-century poet who time-travels in a search for inspiration.

3- Whether it was the sudden mention of her mother or the whole emotional portentousness with which he had charged the scene Maggie burst out sobbing.

4- Along the way, so many ill omens and grotesque morbidities have flown past that it might seem impossible for Pynchon to up the portentousness ante any further.

5- Commenting on Derrida’s “Specters of Marx”, Terry Eagleton wrote “The portentousness is ingrained in the very letter of this book, as one theatrically inflected rhetorical question tumbles hard on the heels of another in a tiresomely mannered syntax which lays itself wide open to parody.

6- “Salon”s Andrew O’Hehir wrote that the film was “somber, spectacular and ponderous,” but that the ” portentousness and grandiosity … is at once the film’s great strength and great weakness” and criticized the characters for lacking common sense.

7- “If ever a film was burdened under the strain of its own portentousness , it’s Beloved . Even the music by composer Rachel Portman, dominated by an interminably moaning solo voice, is mired in its own sincerity.

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