Use “portent” in a sentence | “portent” example sentences
1- Their first meeting was a portent.
2- I a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge.
3- I have become like a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge.
4- I hope this is a portent for the rest of the year.
5- I see it as a portent of things to come.
6- Is it true that cows lying down in a field are a portent of rain?
7- Many saw this break with tradition as portent of a bad reign .
8- Some people believe the raven is a portent of death.
9- The event proved to be a portent of the disaster that was to come.
10- The strikes are viewed as a portent of revolution.
11- There came a Saturday morning ugly with the portent of storm.
12- Government actions were repeatedly misinterpreted as portents of imminent relief.
13- This book covers human beings, portents and transformations.
14- They were words of meaning and portent !
15- A number of apocalyptic sects see portents of doom everywhere.
16- Its appearance was regarded as a portent of death.
17- No portent cloud come to cover the sun.
18- There were signs , but not yet portents .
19- The portents are not what one would call auspicious.
20- They are a portent of bad things to come.
21- Consider my home state a portent of the future .
22- I built portent by teaching, writing and creating.
23- Here was a striking portent of things to come.
24- It was a portent of things to come.
25- NOTE: All the data in this post reflects portent .
26- Is this a portent of more dismal things to come ?
27- He was thus induced to inquire the meaning of such a portent .
28- Certain cultures consider multiple births a portent of either good or evil.
29- Best wishes to you and Portent’s future.
30- A portentous moment, for those who pay attention to portents .
31- Corbett fleetingly wondered if it was a portent .
32- The portent was seen in Germany in 1174.
33- Btw , is there a portent of success here?
34- Is the London speech of Mr Cameron a portent ?
35- Bereavement . Another dream of opposite portent .
36- But it dropped like a portent of looming , irrevocable disaster.
37- After many generations , signs and portents warned the inhabitants of impending disaster.
38- Many villagers believed that the yellow droppings were portents of imminent earthquake activity.
39- I did NOT make this change to somehow separate myself from portent .
40- Who’d care if I shuffled leadership at portent ?
41- The movements of the Hare were sometimes portents of things to come.
42- But for all of the ominous portents , the Lotus Room?
43- Unfortunately as well, these are therapies and not portents for cure.
44- It’s unornamented and saturated with a sense of portent and possibility.
45- But the portents are not good.
46- Mugabe has studied international dynamics as they portent , as they even unfold.
47- He visits a prophetess every Samhain for portents for the year.
48- Stuff like “Site by portent .
49- A portent tells Dionysus that Ampelos will die and become a vine.
50- He has just murdered Duncan, and the crime was accompanied by supernatural portents .
51- This was the Ottomans’ first victory in Europe and an ominous portent .
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