Use “portending” in a sentence | “portending” example sentences
1- Although the economy isn’t meeting expectations, few indicators are portending recession.
2- Breton folklore shows us a spectral figure portending death, the Ankou.
3- At least 13 were killed on May 1, portending an equally violent month.
4- More ominously , bread rations will be slashed this summer, portending new riots.
5- And now, at last, as if to compete, thunder – portending what?
6- His attempts to fraternize with neighboring peoples–vassals of Rome–were construed as portending rebellion.
7- Japan?s? inner defenses? were now crushed thus portending the war?s outcome.
8- There seems to be a ground swell these days portending a possible sea change in higher education.
9- Glaciers are rapidly retreating, portending rising seas that could eventually displace hundreds of millions of people.
10- So I see this nod to 3D custom printing by Nokia as portending a bright future for 3D printing.
11- The last straw was the birth of a Catholic heir in 1688, portending a return to a Pre-Reformation Catholic dynasty.
12- Algeria’s newly elected president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, attended Hassan’s funeral, portending a possible thaw in the relationship.
13- From scraps of paper came lines that compressed Ruffian’s three years of life into rhythm with hints of the portending tragedy.
14- Publishers are unleashing a torrent of digital comic books across smart phones, tablet devices, game consoles and digital book readers, portending major changes in how comics are made and marketed.
15- Our sedentary lifestyles, particularly among our youth, have become a concern for medical providers, portending an increase in fragility fractures.
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