Use “portended” in a sentence | “portended” example sentences
1- The deep red of the setting sun portended fine weather.
2- The unnatural goings on are portended in the surroundings.
3- But there was a stir in that camp which portended evil somewhere.
4- A sweeping cabinet reorganization and comments of high-ranking officials in 1971 portended a shift in domestic policy.
5- Everyone knew that its sound portended the death of someone in the house within the year.
6- Buchanan apologized for the misunderstanding, but the event portended a poor relationship between the two men.
7- Groping her way into the sleeves, Nicandra wondered uneasily what these unusual indulgences portended .
8- When he had won these distinctions, he began to believe that it portended the Imperial power.
9- Both also turned out to be more fashion accessory than the revolutionary gizmo each portended to be .
10- In the Cold War environment of the late 1950s, this disparity of capability portended menacing implications.
11- It may instead be portended in the form of renunciation or prospective incapacity stretching beyond that future date.
12- As a consequence of all this movement, some have portended the eventual demise of the private prison industry.
13- Legalizing same-sex marriage portended to be the hot-button issue of the 2013 session that would vex the DFL .
14- These compositions aroused the interest of the specialists who found them excellent writing which portended a brilliant future for the composer.
15- Prodigies were transgressions in the natural, predictable order of the cosmos – signs of divine anger that portended conflict and misfortune.
16- Failure to tax services was also portended to lower reliance on the sales tax because it lessened the sales tax’s growth.
17- Just as Persephone reaching for the flower heralded her doom, the youth Narcissus gazing at his own reflection portended his death.
18- But the best works in the waning years of that decade portended what was to come in the 2000s; and no album exemplified that like (again, in my humble opinion) Boards of Canada’s Music Has the Right to Children.
19- Although Congress resisted implementing sweeping extensions in the 1909 Act, it was not long before the laws that portended the current provisions were enacted.
20- Any deepening of the wedge portended the isolation of General Milburn’s forces west of the Taeryong and the envelopment of those behind the Kuryong.
21- The Emperor knew very well, says a contemporary German chronicler, that it portended pestilence and war, together with the approaching death of mighty princes.
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