podiatrist in a sentence

Use ‘podiatrist’ in a sentence | ‘podiatrist’ example sentences

1- Douglas is a CIA agent and Brooks is the podiatrist he involves in his spy jinks.

2- But if you have foot problems or are at risk of developing them, visit your podiatrist for orthotic inserts and buy a pair of shoes that’s wide and deep enough to fit them, Poulson says.

3- If those measures don’t help, see your physician or a podiatrist, who may prescribe a 20 percent solution of aluminum chloride hexahydrate to control excess sweating.

4- If you have it, always see your podiatrist,” Leahy says.

5- My podiatrist tested my feet when I visited for a routine check on my plantar fasciitis.

6- See your doctor or podiatrist for prescription medicine.

7- The thirty-one-year-old was a podiatrist in Baltimore.

8- When I told The Clog Master (her real name is Cecilia) that my feet hurt so bad that I was considering seeing a podiatrist for special insoles, she glared at me HARD and said, “Why would you do that?

9- You can see your regular doctor or visit an orthopedist or podiatrist, both of whom have specializations in treating disorders such as Achilles tendinitis.

10- David is a podiatrist as a day ‘job’ (was it John Gierach who wrote that calling Fly Fishing a ‘Hobby’ was like calling Brain Surgery a ‘Job’?

11- For podiatrist Chris Delpierre, of the Sport Science Institute of South Africa, the subject of women pronating more than men due to their diverse biomechanics is a difficult one.

12- If you have used the service of a podiatrist in Roodepoort that is listed on the website, then please add a review for the benefit of other users.

13- Members are reminded to visit a team of healthcare providers including their GP, biokineticist, dietician, ophthalmologist and podiatrist, who access each other’s notes and patient data electronically through HealthID,” says Dr Goodman.

14- podiatrist is a health-care professional who assesses and manages foot and related lowerlimb onditions.

15- There are no reviews for Gladys Phala podiatrist.

16- The tariffs include 24 hour nursing care, laundry, hairdresser, podiatrist and all meals and teas and all rooms have CCTV.

17- When I met the renowned Austrian podiatrist Sylvia Strell for the first time, we knew that this was going to work.

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