plunges in a sentence

Use ‘plunges’ in a sentence | ‘plunges’ example sentences

1- King’s Bay waterfall on the east coast of the island of Tobago plunges 100 feet.

2- The Gorge du Verdon is where an Alpine river plunges down a magnificent valley.

3- Whole Foods plunges as flagging sales renew growth concerns How High Can Priceline Fly?

4- That discussion needs to happen now, not after the United States plunges further into battle.

5- Saturn sits nested in its rings of ice as Cassini once again plunges toward the graceful giant.

6- Series 4 In “Thomas”, the suicide of Sophia plunges the gang into mistrust.

7- Soong plunges a bird’s wing into a bucket of water, causing steam to billow out.

8- The hive attacks and they saved Candy as the hive slowly plunges into the sun.

9- Finally, Link strikes down Ganondorf and plunges his sword into Ganondorf’s chest, defeating him.

10- The Taylor River, after exiting the lake is said to drop over a farly large waterfall as it plunges down a headwall to the bottom of the valley.

11- Rosemary screams and the stranger plunges it through the both of them.

12- Dolores lures Joe into falling down an old well, leaving him to die as he plunges to the stone bottom.

13- She pursues him through a forest; when he ambushes her and plunges an axe through her torso.

14- For ‘Insomnia’ (2006), which depicts strange nocturnal apparitions Calandre plunges into the world of the fantastic with his pure and spooky scenes.

15- Doing so shows off the vivid colors and deep blacks in HDR content, but plunges the rest of the desktop into bleak gray shades.

16- Dougal’s natural desire to rescue her plunges him into a maelstrom of criminal activities.

17- He flees in terror, finding sanctuary in a dank, abandoned highway tunnel (.) But as he plunges through the darkness, he steps on something alive, squirming – a rat, he presumes – and loses his footing.

18- Her gloom lifts when a desiccated corpse plunges from the chimney to her dorm room’s hearth on her first night in Canada!

19- He stepped onto the rough sea to meet Jesus walking on water, yet even after safely taking a few steps, he begins to doubt and plunges into the waves.

20- Join an adventure that surges to life with jumping jet-skiers, perilous plunges, firefights and massive explosions!

21- New York Times bestselling authors Lisa Jackson, Nancy Bush, and Rosalind Noonan join together in a gripping novel of suspense, as a long-guarded secret plunges three friends into a new nightmare.

22- ‘s absorbing fourth novel plunges the reader head-first into the mystery of the lost Roanoke Colony of Virginia.

23- So continues Grace’s spiritual and literary adventure as she plunges deeper into a bohemian lifestyle, living simply and spending nights by the campfire listening to music, wrapped in Shaun’s arms or embarking on road trips.

24- That is, until a rogue rescue operation plunges him back into the past he thought he’d escaped forever.

25- The Couch probes a deeply disturbed mind – and plunges the audience into a nerve-jolting odyssey.”

26- Unlike many of the coding initiatives to get kids coding, this book plunges young computer experts right into creating a web site with HTML and goes further with Java Script and even building an app.

27- While Eric Joyner’s new show “Glazed Machinations” plunges further into his ongoing obsession with the little-understood, symbiotic battles and atonements of toy tin robots and their glistening donut muse-rivals, the San Francisco painter introduc.

28- With that set-up, the story plunges into the plot.

29- Yet this is more than just a well-crafted mystery: despondent after a deadly mistake of his own, Serling plunges headfirst into the case to distract from his problems at home.

30- Base plunges on Kenya move to take interest in mining licencesSHARES in African mineral sands developer Base Resources have plunged 30 per cent after the Kenyan government flagged it would be taking a minimum 35 per cent interest in mining licences.

31- Icelandic teen plunges to death from Spain rollercoaster –

32- Naples and its bay at the bottom of Vesuvius plunges you into the atmosphere of southern Italy.

33- One of the most popular activities is a walk along the Mkambti River to the Horseshoe Falls, which plunges into the sea.

34- There are three mineral beds which are between 2.5 and 8 m thick which are folded in an anticline that plunges to the.

35- The river separates into three streams as it plunges into the pool below.

36- Uvongo Beach is rated as the fourth best beach in the country and is famous for its waterfall that plunges 23 m down into the lagoon.

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