plumper in a sentence

Use ‘plumper’ in a sentence | ‘plumper’ example sentences

1- Second Commission (1853 – 1856) plumper recommissioned at Portsmouth on 1 August 1853 under Commander Wharton for service on the west coast of Africa.

2- She was re-ordered from Portsmouth Dockyard as the screw sloop plumper on 12 August 1847 to a design by John Fincham, and laid down in October that year.

3- Fish should be conditioned with large amounts of live foods such as Tubifex and whiteworms, during which time the females will become noticeably plumper.

4- Unreferenced Lip plumper is a cosmetics product used to make lips appear fuller.

5- About plumper characters: pretty much all of my cousins and I all went from slender to chunky in our 30s and have stayed that way, some in spite of better eating efforts, some just because they stayed that way.

6- All the plumper people I know seem to have so much more energy than me & seem happier & healthier.

7- An incision can also be made on the inside of the lip to make them appear plumper and correct a gummy smile.

8- Fillers act as an instant plumper.

9- Just toss the shrimp with a little baking soda (about a half teaspoon per pound) 30 minutes or so before cooking sous vide and they come out noticeably plumper and firmer after cooking.

10- Moisturizers trap water in your skin, which can give it a plumper, more youthful appearance.

11- These days, her cheeks seem more chiselled; her nose is thinner; and her lips are somewhat plumper, to.

12- This means that when making risotto, the rice will be able to absorb more liquid resulting in a plumper, more flavoured grain.

13- This skin-satisfying lip plumper from NYX can help you get the plump pout you’.

14- Zoey’s lips were plumper than Bob’s.

15- So these are my ‘go-to’ treatments that will definitely make your skin smoother, plumper, more radiant and get rid of those fine lines and wrinkles.

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