pleats in a sentence

Use ‘pleats’ in a sentence | ‘pleats’ example sentences

1- They may have box pleats, symmetrical knife pleats, or no pleats at all, and be fastened by studs or velcro instead of buckles.

2- The robe is worn tightly, clearly outlining the shape of the body, and its pleats are carved clearly and delicately.

3- Air is forced from between the pleats in accordance with the imposed signal, generating sound.

4- Also just the choice of colour is what we are digging for here, and of course the clean and tidy pleats that gave a neat finish to the sari.

5- Create an inviting look in your bedroom with this Rochelle comforter set. it features pintuck pleats on solid ground.

6- Just remember to try to evenly pleat your pleats and make sure each dumpling has an equal amount of filling.

7- Sleeveless pure silk top with pleats on the front and stretch viscose jersey panel on the back Teardrop fastening with small button on the back.

8- A roman blind is made of fabric that draws up into neat pleats allowing light into the room and looks like a flat panel of fabric when closed.

9- Pencil pleating is one of the most common treatments, using a greater width of fabric with evenly spaced narrow pleats.

10- The seats in Valcona leather, sycamore grey, with accordion pleats, contrasting stitching and piping in brass gold invite you to dwell a while.

11- Thoroughly coat the cartridge elements, making sure you also get the product in between the pleats.

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