Use ‘plausible scenario’ in a sentence | ‘plausible scenario’ example sentences
1- A somewhat more plausible scenario is negotiation.
2- Still another plausible scenario is that no election takes place.
3- So this hardly plausible scenario brings us to 6.
4- This, too, is a plausible scenario .
5- It ‘s just not a plausible scenario .
6- The investigation concluded that this is the most plausible scenario .
7- This is the most plausible scenario I’ve heard so far.
8- The more plausible scenario for Howard indicates that Chaucer personally met Boccaccio.
9- They (the defense) can still show there is another plausible scenario .
10- Similarly science has uncovered plausible scenarios for how Left Handed aminoacids may have arisen.
11- But let’s be charitable and take the most plausible scenario for the diversity argument.
12- The prosecution had little evidence and did a poor job constructing plausible scenarios from Martin ‘s perspective.
13- Stress testing examines the effect of exceptional but plausible scenarios on the capital position of ING.
14- I admit that is a speculative solution but it seems a plausible scenario from the information found.
15- This reeks of intentional backdoor, there’s really no other plausible scenario in my mind.
16- Once your border folks are an extension of policing copyright for industry , this is an entirely plausible scenario .
17- No plausible scenario is all upside; but it’s hard to see how we could make things worse.
18- Miracle in the figurative sense, since although we do not know how cells evolved, quite plausible scenarios have been proposed.
19- One plausible scenario that the authors proposed was that the “H. heidelbergensis” was an ancestor to both Denisovans and Neanderthals.
20- So, the only plausible scenario in which “our economy goes into severe recession” arises if we elect a Dimocrat.
21- The different plausible scenarios underscores the uncertainty, even among eyewitnesses, pertaining to the course of events on K2 that day.
22- The most plausible scenario is that Woodward would write up any threats and put them on the front page of the Post .
23- There are several plausible scenarios (some based on different patterns of settlement from Europe, others on different fracture lines) but I chose 1787 as the point of divergence from real history.
24- Scientists do not know how quickly this will happen, or how severe the effects will be, but we can imagine plausible scenarios of drastic changes over the next 50 to 100 years.
25- QUESTION: When asked point blank, when asked point blank, that what is the – a plausible scenario that the opposition may have gotten its hand on some chemical weapons and used it to drag the U.S. into this mess, they asked him to refute that and he said that is a probability.
26- We consistently find, across a wide range of plausible scenarios , no support for the UK Government’s concerns that minimum unit pricing would penalise responsible drinkers.
27- With estate-agents not only is the linguistically correct interpretation less plausible, there is a more plausible scenario suggested by the context, one that might be described by saying the estate-agents had blamed the plumbers .
28- Some foreign officials genuinely wanted to help the Kurds while others were moved by other interests (This is a plausible scenario ).
29- The most plausible scenario then would be the bifurcation of Afghanistan into two provinces: Northern and Southern Afghanistan governed by different Loya Jirgas.
30- Personally I find the threat of assimilation by the Borg, destruction of the earth by a Vogon construction fleet building an intergalactic highway, or Skynet becoming self-aware and wiping out humanity to all be more plausible scenarios than Biblical prophesy.
31- But those are only scenarios, and there are other, at least equally plausible scenarios under which Social Security checks could wind up delayed by days or weeks.
32- And just the idea of Killua leaving Gon behind to die – a tragic but scarily plausible scenario – would break my heart entirely.
33- Even before the trial, the “CSI” effect can train criminals how to remove evidence and how to stage plausible scenarios .
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