platted in a sentence

Use ‘platted’ in a sentence | ‘platted’ example sentences

1- New Ross, (then called Valley City), was platted by John Browning in 1855.

2- Dollar Bay, first settled in 1887, was platted in 1899 as the Village of Clark, but was never incorporated.

3- When Orchard Gardens in Burnsville was platted in 1910, this small depot was added for the area’s passengers.

4- The Minne Lusa neighborhood was first platted by Charles Martin in 1916, and by 1923 was a completed development.

5- On December 1, 1870, Benjamin F. Wadsworth and Louis A. Reno platted the Ralston Point townsite along the railroad.

6- The Reverend M.S. Ragsdale platted the only addition to the town on August 23, 1870.

7- Park Place was platted in 1889, and a post office was established the following year.

8- Samuel J. Prescott, who platted the subdivision in 1925, had constructed his own winter home at 7101 N.E. 10th Avenue some years before.

9- They surveyed and platted four blocks, and called the village Florence.

10- By 1833, simple buildings had been erected in Carthage, and the town was platted in 1838.

11- When Clarendon Hills was platted in 1873, Middaugh was acknowledged as one of the first residents.

12- Alonzo Bennett platted the village of Bertrand in 1833 and became its first postmaster on June 9, 1834.

13- Chandler addition In 1883, the Chandler addition platted lots on the eastern side of the railroad tracks.

14- In 1872, just five miles (8 km) west of Fort Dodge, settlers platted out and founded the town of Dodge City.

15- Charles A. F. Morris surveyed the land Waller gave to the railroad and platted it on June 17, 1869.

16- When James died in 1824, the land was divided among his heirs, and Pleasant Ridge was first platted.

17- James Ward laid out Pickard’s Mill in 1844 (but never officially platted it) and opened the town’s first store.

18- History Originally the Village of Fortuna was platted by W. A. Porter and …

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