pinafore in a sentence

Use ‘pinafore’ in a sentence | ‘pinafore’ example sentences

1- The Kuba influence was felt in the larger volumes; the 1930s, in the apron-front and pinafore shapes.

2- Allen, Introduction to chapter on H.M.S. pinafore This criticism would follow Sullivan throughout his career.

3- She is a good little girl, but has lost three handkerchiefs and a pinafore.

4- Bradley (2005), p. 73 Meanwhile, pinafore continued to garner praise outside of Britain.

5- Similarly girls have to wear a white blouse and colored pinafore depending on their standard.

6- In Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), the character Sallah sings pinafore tunes, including “A British Tar”.

7- M.S. pinafore“, in which the cast sings “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General”, using a very expensive set on loan.

8- In 1888, Halton toured with a repertory consisting at various times of pinafore, Patience, The Mikado and Pirates, until October.

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