piety in a sentence

Use ‘piety’ in a sentence | ‘piety’ example sentences

1- By a well-wisher of the peace of the land and piety of the church, London, 1643.

2- Gal’s intelligence and piety caused his recommendation as councilor to Quintianus, the bishop of Clermont, who ordained him a priest.

3- The family were singular for their piety and devotion to the disadvantaged classes, though they were not known for their particular wealth.

4- Formed and educated in the noble paternal home, where they did not lack riches nor virtue, he gave proofs of a spirit, very open to study and to piety.

5- Wherever poetry is read, or Christian hymns sung, in the English language, ‘he being dead, yet speaketh’ by the genius, piety and taste embodied in his writings.

6- John was famed for his piety and his remarkably mild and just reign.

7- Akhun Darweza is the title that was given to Abdul Rasheed for his piety and saint hood.

8- ” The review continued to comment on Beck, saying that his mix of goofy piety and ambiguous intent helped the album.

9- His pains left him as he concentrated his mind on the virtuous life he had led and the many acts of piety he had done.

10- She is an unusually intelligent and well educated girl of her age, and has for two years given decided evidence of piety.

11- Iranian women are not required to wear chadors. some women choose to do so, as wearing for respectability and Islamic piety.

12- The communal piety of a given parish or diocese will determine the expression of these rubrics and the implicit eucharist theoligy.

13- Seven spiritual virtues guide the brotherhood of the faithful: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

14- Baroness von Bülow, quoted in Allen, pp.131-132 Adelaide was beloved by the British people for her piety, modesty, charity, and her tragic childbirth history.

15- Ruaidhrí’s wife, Máire, was a daughter of Ó Máille, and was known for her piety.

16- He served his mother with great filial piety, and did not preoccupy himself with feasting.

17- Final definition Euthyphro then proposes yet again another definition: piety, he says, is an art of sacrifice and prayer.

18- ” Tinker does not, however, doubt Father Serra’s piety or courage or that his intentions to convert the heathen were honest and genuine.

19- The young Chodakov excelled in his devotion to Torah study, and in his piety and refined character.

20- Idris Aluma Aluma is remembered for his military skills, administrative reforms, and Islamic piety.

21- Ibn Tumart was the son of a lamplighter in a mosque and had been noted for his piety from his youth.

22- She was held in very high esteem for her virtue and piety, and was commonly called, “the saint of Cuvilly”.

23- As a religious man Shabaz Khan belonged the family whose ancestors were all celebrated for piety, asceticism and religiosity.

24- Works His piety and learning are displayed in his commentary on Job (12 vols., 4to., 1651-1666; 2nd ed., 2 vols., fol. 1676-1677).

25- Muggeridge contrasts the “tawdry relics, the bric-a-brac of piety” with the spiritual phenomena he describes experiencing in Lourdes.

26- Mahan, 251. Her approach to religious piety differed from the approach of her predecessors, as she was influenced by Jansenist ideas.

27- Vibheeshana refuses to defend the evil of Ravana’s ways and inspired by Rama’s compassion and piety, leaves Lanka to join the Vanara Army.

28- His scholarship, piety, and personal charisma transformed Stropkov into one of the most respected chasidic centers in all Galicia and Hungary.

29- Hence such a feat made Apollonius look like a good Pythagorean who spared no pains in his efforts to discover the sources of oriental piety and wisdom.

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