piercing scream in a sentence

Use ‘piercing scream’ in a sentence | ‘piercing scream’ example sentences

1- One man was riding a bus and heard a piercing scream .

2- Does the piercing screams of children ruin your afternoon shopping trips ?

3- piercing screams , parental alarm and outrage.

4- His toe nudged my broken leg and I heard a piercing scream .

5- They can produce ear piercing screams and destroy furniture and your priceless antiques.

6- The piercing scream of a taloned rabbit was often heard in the night.

7- Sudden, shrill, piercing screams (awake or sleeping).

8- At once there came, clear in the sunny air, a long piercing scream .

9- A quick, piercing scream ; a squeak of surprise, and of pleasure.

10- One of Daffney’s hallmarks was a high piercing scream when she was lurking at ringside.

11- The young dragon then tries another tactic: it utters a piercing scream that carries for miles.

12- The calls were a cacophony of piercing screams , low growls and a host of other noises.

13- The lights in the house go suddenly dark and Peter’s voice is heard emitting a piercing scream .

14- piercing screams of “I love you” and “You’re gorgeous” shot through the air.

15- Which was why, a few minutes later, the forest resounded to the echo of a piercing scream .

16- Horror-struck, and then furiously angry, she let out a piercing scream and pushed her husband savagely away.

17- But they sat dumb, gazing back at him, panic-stricken; and a second later came another piercing scream .

18- They bark when surprised, whicker when playing or in distress, and emit a piercing scream when alarmed or frightened.

19- A trapped individual may squawk or emit a piercing scream , which may surprise the attacker sufficiently for the frog to escape.

20- At the end of her trance-like walk, the camera zoomed in on her face as she let out a piercing scream .

21- Their eyes met; shame gave place to horror and terror in her looks; the blood left her lips, with a piercing scream she covered her face with her hands and sank upon, the chapel floor.

22- The female produces high-pitched barks, whereas the male often utters piercing screams that at short range will put every hair on your body on end.

23- Sometimes, exasperated to the utmost pitch, I would shake her violently by the shoulders, or pull her long hair, or put her in the corner, – for which she punished me with loud, shrill, piercing screams , that went through my head like a knife.

24- One night they were aroused by piercing screams , and rushing to the place from whence they proceeded found a huge alligator making for the river, dragging a 14-year-old negro girl by the arm.

25- The piercing screams of agony that greeted this act of heartless barbarity rent the twilight stillness with all the force of a thunderclap.

26- Even with careful preparation, the film crew was not prepared for the piercing screams of an audience made up of 56,000 teenagers.

27- They had some difficulty in persuading her to submit to it, because the pain in her feet was so great that she uttered the most piercing screams if the bedclothes only rubbed against them.

28- In addition to former detainees of Bagram, Yvonne Ridley maintains that Siddiqui is the “Grey Lady of Bagram” – a ghostly female detainee, who kept prisoners awake “with her haunting sobs and piercing screams “.

29- Suddenly, the still afternoon air was rent by a piercing scream , then the sound of the child crying and Cissie’s angry voice: ‘Go away, Matthew!

30- During our stay we were awakened not only by the cocks, but on several occasions by piercing screams coming from the rice-paddies behind us, which would continue for some time before abruptly stopping.

31- The last thing Webb heard when he jumped was the long, piercing scream of the whistle as Jones tried to warn anyone still in the freight train looming ahead.

32- When Melkor returned to Middle-earth from Valinor, now bearing the epithet “Morgoth”, he was attacked by Ungoliant, a spider-like creature; his piercing scream drew the Balrogs out of hiding to his rescue.

33- Hunter Hayes had all the young cowgirls going bananas, and their piercing screams only got louder as the 22-year-old superstar worked his magic with those boyish good looks and that pearly-white smile.

34- A child emitting ear piercing screams , laying on the floor kicking because their mom won’t buy them a certain toy is what I’m considering overly obnoxious.

35- When Suicide throws piercing screams into “Frankie Teardrop,” they work because they make sense; they work in conjunction with the narrative to shock the listener; and they are deliberately placed to take advantage of the song’s atmosphere.

36- Bustling, cooing visitors upset them, and a ‘pass the baby’ session ends up producing piercing screams of genuine distress.

37- She gave a piercing scream

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terrible screamscream withlittle screammuffled screamstifled screambloodcurdling screamshrill screampiercing screamhigh-pitched screamloud screamscream of terrorlet out a screamscream loudlyscream in agonyscream hysterically

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