petrel in a sentence

Use ‘petrel’ in a sentence | ‘petrel’ example sentences

1- Leach’s Storm-petrel was named after him by Coenraad Jacob Temminck in 1820, without him being aware that it had previously been described by Vieillot.

2- Wilson’s Storm petrel (Oceanites oceanicus), also known as Wilson’s petrel, is a small seabird of the storm petrel family.

3- Ellison 1971, p. 182 The only Gull 3 to be built survived the war, and along with the petrel was regarded as one of the prettiest sailplanes to come out of Slingsby’s doors.

4- SBED For petrel can be now used to estimate effective properties upscaled from realistic lamina-scale models.

5- In 2002, Schlumberger acquired Technoguide and the petrel software tools and they currently support and market petrel.

6- The Pycroft’s petrel (Pterodroma pycrofti) is a species of seabird in the Procellariidae family.

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