petiole in a sentence

Use ‘petiole’ in a sentence | ‘petiole’ example sentences

1- The leaves are fan-shaped, 7-10 m long and 4.5 m wide with a 4 m petiole.

2- In palms it denotes an extension of the leaf sheath beyond the petiole insertion.

3- The leaves have a petiole up to m (0 ft) long, and a palmate fan of leaflets up to 1 m long.

4- Wilson’s Poplar differs from this species in that its leaves are not hairy underneath and are generally smaller with a flattened petiole and resinous buds.

5- The leaves are mid to dark green, 4-8 cm long and 5-10 cm broad with a 3-7 cm petiole, and palmately lobed with nine to eleven (occasionally just seven) lobes.

6- Several leaves containing a petiole form at the base of the plant.

7- They have showy, often intensely bright flowers, and rounded, peltate ( shield -shaped) leaves with the petiole in the center.

8- The English name likewise refers to the needle-like spines produced at the petiole bases; for similar reasons, it is also occasionally called “porcupine palm”.

9- The mine is very slender and thread-like, wandering without any special order throughout the leaf, finally going down into the petiole and mining in the cambium layer.

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