perpetuating in a sentence

Use ‘perpetuating’ in a sentence | ‘perpetuating’ example sentences

1- I’ll critique it with an old school hip-hop phrase: perpetuating the fraud.

2- Free the weed – so to speak – so that we’re not perpetuating the black market.”

3- Consider why they seem to reoccur and your part in perpetuating this recurrence.

4- No murder takes place in the episode, the idea being that when a celebrity is widely reported as dead, the media myth becomes self-perpetuating.

5- Todd and colleagues have designed miniature ecosystems, largely self-perpetuating, which bring ecological principles into service of human requirements.

6- This deprivation led to self-perpetuating poverty as uneducated (and therefore poor) parents removed their children from school so that they could help support the family.

7- The scholarship is dedicated to perpetuating the Irish culture and strengthening educational and cultural relationships.

8- Herod was interested in perpetuating his name for all eternity through building projects, and his construction program was extensive.

9- 5. The police force, more than any other institution, was invariably involved as a precipitating cause or perpetuating factor in the riots.

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