periodontal in a sentence

Use ‘periodontal’ in a sentence | ‘periodontal’ example sentences

1- VI. adjunctive treatment of periodontal disease with coenzyme Q10″.

2- “Clinical and microbiological evaluation of a bioabsorbable and a nonresorbable barrier membrane in the treatment of periodontal intraosseous lesions”.

3- Biologic basis for success of replanted knocked-out teeth Every tooth is connected to its surrounding bone by the periodontal ligament.

4- Nowzari is known for his advocacy against early in life periodontal disease (aggressive periodontitis).

5- When braces put pressure on ones teeth, the periodontal membrane stretches on one side and is compressed on the other.

6- ” 2002. p. 3. Currently, the most widely held belief is that the periodontal ligaments provide the main impetus for the process.

7- Lindskog S, Peirce AM, Blomlof L, Hammarstrom L. The role of the necrotic periodontal membrane in cementum resorption and ankylosis.

8- Dr. Morill found out that masticatory muscles will stop their contraction by appearance the first pain signals from the periodontal tissue differently.

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