peculiarly in a sentence

Use ‘peculiarly’ in a sentence | ‘peculiarly’ example sentences

1- Due to its wide commercial interests, Venice during the Renaissance was known for its peculiarly cosmopolitan atmosphere.

2- The whistling had a peculiarly aggravating quality.

3- Fine cricketer (the best bowler in the Remove), sharp mind, but talks in a peculiarly idiomatic version of English.

4- Being a perfect religious herself, and endowed with mental qualities of a high order, she was peculiarly fitted to fill the duties which Providence assigned her.

5- Barbara Bright of The New York Times Book Review described the book as a “powerfully written and well-researched book, documenting a peculiarly American tragedy”.

6- His Wisden obituary had similar sentiments: “As a batsman he had a style of back play peculiarly his own, and his judgment of the length of bowling was almost unequalled.

7- The Penelope’s service was peculiarly active.

8- W. Robertson Smith points out,Citation needed after the blood, fat was peculiarly the vehicle and seat of life.

9- The age in which Lotze lived and wrote in Germany was not one peculiarly fitted to appreciate the position he took up.

10- Uniquely among Hawaiian passerines, the distribution of the elepaio is peculiarly discontinuous.

11- The name refers en a. to the carved finial which is so often used to complete the top of the bench end and is peculiarly English in character.

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