patting in a sentence

Use ‘patting’ in a sentence | ‘patting’ example sentences

1- Sometimes the ” patting ” is actually something else.

2- So was patting a foot to a lively tune.

3- Dry the bird by patting with paper towels.

4- They settled for patting him and stepping down .

5- She could feel him patting her face.

6- Andy offered, patting the inside pocket of his jacket.

7- Now he’s leaning forward and patting my hand.

8- Light patting or wiping is enough with an antibacterial cleansing soap .

9- But patting myself on the back gets boring after a while.

10- Come and join us then, patting her thigh.

11- Don’t towel-dry vigorously – gentle patting is best.

12- Ash ties it to a tree, patting it’s head.

13- It sucks for YOU and your bunch of back patting friends .

14- He leaned over, patting his horse’s withers.

15- Lots of patting going on by mrs.

16- Panic melted and I began to laugh, patting Diggity.

17- They smile and simper, patting their hair and smoothing their skirts.

18- It appears that she created the first men by patting yellow earth together.

19- Marcus moved out of patting range.

20- Ma begins anxiously patting its back.

21- Then, patting the basket: ‘Victuals.

22- Ember squatted, patting the ground beside him.

23- Rinse and dry well, patting them with a clean dish towel.

24- Well done Tory boys , keep patting your rich mates on the back.

25- Ash said gently, putting her hand on my head and patting me.

26- Now she was apparently surrounded by children and was patting their make-believe heads.

27- People moved about, flocking round Tremayne, patting his back.

28- We are told of a cat frequently patting the nose of a companion horse.

29- Indian men may engage in friendly back patting merely as a sign of friendship.

30- Lots of back patting , though some good character analysis can be found.

31- Then choking another , then patting her back as she cries in pain.

32- Sharvette is patting my left hand.

33- Usually an old woman sat there, patting a matted dog with blind eyes.

34- Then the cop started patting him down and pulled something out of his pocket .

35- And fervently patting themselves on the back were proponents of the nuclear power industry.

36- Take pride in who you are Begin by patting your back a little .

37- That inevitable moment when gamers are either patting themselves on the back or kicking themselves .

38- He is always sticking his buttocks out and patting it, and laugh’s.

39- Patting down my pockets I discovered the tube of lip balm I searched for.

40- She moved away a little, patting her petticoats and looking at the dog. I felt somebody patting on my shoulder from behind.

41- 420448I turned my head, and immediately the officer patting me down squeezed my testicles hard.

42- When he finally did emerge, he acted bizarrely: giggling; patting the ground; and waving to the police helicopter overhead.

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