pattered in a sentence

Use ‘pattered’ in a sentence | ‘pattered’ example sentences

1- A small fountain pattered gently in the big reception hall.

2- A shower of gritty dust pattered on her face.

3- Rose’s feet pattered behind her and stopped.

4- The little boy pattered along beside me, looking up and smiling.

5- Hail pattered on the window, quick as morse.

6- Stuart jumped out and pattered plumply round to Gillian’s door.

7- It pattered quietly in the distance, each small wave softly succeeding the next.

8- The shrapnel and spent machine gun bullets pattered down among the cactus like rain.

9- Outside the wind still screamed and the rain splashed and pattered against the windows.

10- High heels pattered across the cloakroom floor and someone pushed at the toilet door.

11- Ruth pattered after him, her sandals on the polished stone the only sound.

12- One house had pattered United States and Czech flags alternately across each of its window-panes.

13- After a few seconds the Luggage got up and pattered across the floor after them.

14- It was then lowered for the second movement, during which raindrops pattered on the roof.

15- They soon lost momentum and pattered to the balcony floor all around the two of them.

16- Shrapnel pattered off his shield.

17- A white waterfall of plaster burst down from the ceiling and slapped and pattered all over him.

18- Rain pattered gently on the unlined metal above, and he hoped it drowned his panting breath.

19- The courtyard is in the Mudéjar or Spanish Moorish style, with Moorish arches and pattered walls.

20- Drawings of garments were one of his chief characteristics; he liked to depicted pattered and fringed clothing.

21- This was changed c.2008 to three red, pattered curves overlapping each at the bottom of the screen.

22- Outside the rain pattered lightly on the window, and in the room there was a great sense of tranquillity.

23- Ringed plovers pattered at the water’s edge of a muddy creek and a whimbrel whistled as it flew overhead.

24- There was a roar that seemed to make the pavement heave; a shower of light objects pattered on to his back.

25- Ternovskiy sucked down a glass of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice and pattered on about happiness and the intersection between virtual reality and real reality.

26- Barely ten inches high, its horny little feet pattered very fast as it sprinted across the yard and dived headlong into one of the Wellington boots that lay scattered around the door.

27- Luch, returning from taking Marion some soup, drifted aside out of his way, and pattered back behind him to the shieling to find out what was happening.

28- He gives us a murderer whose ‘words pattered out like smooth large grains’ – clear and distinguishable, and yet somehow there is nothing to get a purchase on.

29- The rain pattered down softly and dripped off the Mini’s rusty edges, trickling to join the puddle they were already lying in.

30- He was looking at her, surprised and wary, the olive-toned colours of his subtly pattered shirt and plain pants bleached by the moonlight so that they looked like grey and silver.

31- It was already one in the morning; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs.

32- Feeling that she had given her due of politeness to the curate, the due exacted by her mother and elder sister, she pattered onto Maurice, and, after having a bit of a poke round, shot across the connecting gangplank onto Grace.

33- They stuck to the woods to avoid meeting Maw Hoover on her way home, and as the first big drops pattered down among the trees Zara called a halt.

34- Thick, black rain clouds massed in the sky and, as I fell asleep, rattling raindrops pattered against the wooden shutters.

35- Promotions originally featured a similar style as CBBC, with a pattered and coloured bar running across the bottom of the end of the promotion, featuring the title and CBeebies logo.

36- The classicist fiction of the ‘losenge’ pattered colonnades in the entrances allow the magnificence of the building to be sensed on a human scale.

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