patter in a sentence

Use ‘patter’ in a sentence | ‘patter’ example sentences

1- But presently the fox came pattering along.

2- The theory behind chart patters is based on this assumption.

3- This patters is often encountered in the upper chest area.

4- A small fountain pattered gently in the big reception hall.

5- The training patters are repeatedly presented to the network.

6- More pattering sounds came and he stopped moving .

7- This could violate the design patter principle.

8- A little light patter while she looks for the file.

9- Choose something hip and fresh with graphic prints or patter .

10- Must be able to understand sewing patters and fabrics.

11- A shower of gritty dust pattered on her face.

12- At first the pattering leaves sounded like rain.

13- They followed the patter of the sun setting.

14- Rose’s feet pattered behind her and stopped.

15- Gregg continues his normal patter while the cops confer with Al.

16- I enjoy the light patter of rain on the patio roof.

17- Parties of knot patter Ed on the icy mud flats.

18- Can’t wait for the patter to become available.

19- There will be highly rehearsed ‘off the cuff’ patter .

20- He has the patter with the audience down to a science.

21- If it is, then select a brand new patter .

22- The little boy pattered along beside me, looking up and smiling.

23- Still, the “technician” stubbornly sticks to the prescribed patter .

24- The pattering and whispering of the rain sounded softly but distinctly outside.

25- He went into some comedy patter , bouncing lines off Thelma.

26- To this basic mix were added contests, games and disc jockey patter .

27- The patter song after the recitative “Away, remorse!

28- Throw more deep passes and crossing patters to Tavon Austin .

29- Sketches of ornaments and patters are drawn by an artist.

30- This report lists fourteen thinking patters .

31- Hail pattered on the window, quick as morse.

32- He rushed to tell Mum and they both heard the pattering noise.

33- The match could continue in that patter for nearly the entire match .

34- I use Film Design for all the patters .

35- Another oversized skirt jacket combo had white Etch-A-Sketch arced patters on black .

36- Stuart jumped out and pattered plumply round to Gillian’s door.

37- Much given to quarrelsome chases, habitually dives and has pattering take-off.

38- They were as familiar with their patter as music-hall comedians.

39- They are inherited patters of behavior.

40- Even the stage patter is priceless. Do you miss the pitter patter of little feet and adorably mispronounced words of a three-year-old boy?

41- In colour and patter this group closely resembles Colocolos of the subspecies wolffsohni.

42- He normally partnered with a girl, sometimes in an adagio dance routine, sometimes comic patter.

43- “RD Rosen (1975) pointed to the tyranny of ‘psychological patter’ in his article ‘Psychobabble: The New Jargon of Candor.

44- Jack’s first spoken words-“Wait a minute, wait a minute, you ain’t heard nothin’ yet”-were well-established stage patter of Jolson’s.

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