patroons in a sentence

Use ‘patroons’ in a sentence | ‘patroons’ example sentences

1- The Patroons held McNamara’s rights until 2008.

2- The Albany Patroons were two basketball teams that played at the Armory.

3- Musselman was a fifth-round CBA draft choice of the Albany Patroons in 1987.

4- When he died sometime after 1642, two succeeded him as patroons of Rensselaerswyck.

5- He was one of the first patroons , but the only one to become successful.

6- These landowners were called patroons and had complete jurisdiction over their domains as well as extensive trading privileges.

7- Wealthy Dutch patroons set up large landed estates along the Hudson River and brought in farmers who became renters.

8- The patroons still dealt with the issues of a cautious people not caring to venture to an undeveloped world.

9- Wealthy farmers, known as ” patroons “, maintained these country estates largely on the heights overlooking the Hudson River.

10- On June 19, 1987, Musselman jumped to the Albany (NY) Patroons for the 1987-88 CBA season, guiding the Pats to a remarkable 48-6 record and his fourth consecutive league title.

11- In their first game in the 2009 Fiesta Conference they played without an import but managed to beat the Alaska Aces, and with the Acquisition of Albany Patroons Gabe Freeman as their import they managed to win 8 consecutive games and had the best league record.

12- A deed given by Stephen Van Rensselaer (one of the patroons ) to Abraham Jacob Lansingh, dated July 13, 1769, described the north bounds of the Manor of Rensselaerswyck and the south bounds of the Stone Arabia patent.

13- While he was in Greece, McNamara was drafted in the sixth round of the Continental Basketball Association draft by the Albany Patroons on September 26, 2006.

14- Nicholson’s councilors, the Dutch patroons Nicholas Bayard, Stephanus van Cortlandt, and Frederick Philipse, were still in the city.

15- In addition, he could depend on the indirect support of his nephew Wouter van Twiller, who had been appointed Director of New Netherland in 1632, and with whom he engaged in friendly correspondence at a time when Dutch directors opposed the patroons in every way.

16- In return, the patroons were able to own the land and pass it to succeeding generations as a perpetual fiefdom, as well as receive protection and free African slaves from the Company.

17- With a total of 31 articles, the document spells out many requirements of these patroons , primarily stating that each patroon was required to purchase the land from the local Indians, and inhabit the land with 50 adults within four years, with at least one quarter arriving within one year.

18- While in the CBA, he won his first coaching championship, leading the Albany Patroons to their first CBA title in 1984.

19- In New York’s Hudson Valley, however, the Dutch patroons operated very large landed estates and rented land to tenant farmers.

20- The CBA also sent qualified coaches to the NBA, including Phil Jackson (Albany Patroons ), Bill Musselman (Tampa Bay Thrillers), Eric Musselman (Rapid City Thrillers), Flip Saunders (LaCrosse Catbirds) and George Karl (Montana Golden Nuggets).

21- During the 1980s and 1990s, the NBA’s relationship with the CBA grew to the point where dozens of former CBA stars found their way onto NBA rosters, including Tim Legler (Omaha Racers), Mario Elie (Albany Patroons ), and John Starks (Cedar Rapids Silver Bullets).

22- Following the election, there was unrest near Albany among tenant farmers on the land owned by Dutch-descended patroons of the van Rensselaer family.

23- Three years later, the Patroons completed a 50–6 regular season, including winning all 28 of their home games; at that time, Denver Nuggets head coach George Karl was the Patroons’ head coach.

24- Three years later, the Patroons completed a 50–6 regular season, including winning all 28 of their home games; at that time, Denver Nuggets head coach George Karl was the Patroons’ head coach.

25- Phil Jackson, former NBA head coach of the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers won his first championship ring as a coach when he guided the Albany Patroons to the 1984 CBA championship.

26- Likewise, the Dutch set up fur trading posts in the Hudson River valley, followed by large grants of land to patroons , who brought in tenant farmers that created compact, permanent villages.

27- Meminger had short coaching stints with the New York Stars in the Women ‘s Basketball League, the Albany Patroons in the CBA and the Long Island Knights in the USBL.

28- Albany Patroons (1982/83-1992, 2005/06-present)

29- Albany Patroons (CBA)

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