Use ‘patronize’ in a sentence | ‘patronize’ example sentences
1- But patronizing pirate sites is beyond the pale .
2- Our products are patronized across various African countries.
3- They were rulers who patronized architectural activities.
4- I was looked down upon, judged and patronized constantly.
5- He had also patronized the local artists.
6- Anyone who participates and patronizes is complicit.
7- Or perhaps she is merely patronizing me!
8- Catherine patronized arts, science and learning.
9- Well patronized is the countryside inn that now stands here.
10- Gross out movies were also patronized by younger audience.
11- He set up trusts and patronized sports and education.
12- Patronize a local restaurant, bar or coffee shop.
13- Her short derisive laugh made him feel suitably patronized .
14- They are patronized by losers, not executives.
15- This is the children’s bookstore to patronize .
16- She also patronized printed books and their authors.
17- Know which hotels those are and patronize them.
18- Which sorts of Jewish families patronize Jewish camps?
19- The Mongol rulers patronized the Yuan printing industry.
20- And I was patronizing the other shop.
21- Friendly considerations led me to patronize them.
22- Easy one, the tone is patronizing .
23- How patronizing (among other things).
24- It isn’t enough to patronize Jesus.
25- They ‘d welcome types who run or patronize this bar.
26- You’re telling me you’ve never patronized someone before?
27- He also enjoyed fine food, and patronized five-star restaurants.
28- Alexander was erudite and patronized both arts and sciences.
29- We will encourage others not to patronize your business.
30- Why do your customers continue to patronize your business?
31- You don’t patronize your audience with reality.
32- Patronize the products and trades of your countrymen.
33- However, Constantine certainly did not patronize Christianity alone.
34- Don’t patronize us with your folly.
35- Is this what we are patronizing now?
36- Instead, we can route around them by patronizing alternative models.
37- He was an enlightened ruler and patronized Arabic and Persian literature.
38- Rita walks into a bar patronized by a bunch of pigs.
39- It was patronized by the kings as well as village assemblies.
40- It was patronized by all denominations and the public in general. Some 5,000-6,000 people patronize the facility each week, about 300,000 annually.
41- ESPN’s Tim Scanlon defended the network’s coverage, “We’re not trying to hide or patronize the coverage..
42- Regular Korean yukhoe customers will often patronize trusted restaurants or butcher’s shops which have well-known, high-quality beef distributors.
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