patronages in a sentence

Use ‘patronages’ in a sentence | ‘patronages’ example sentences

1- Both were musical prodigies who disliked royal patronages and gifts.

2- Such a system creates corrupt patronages of demographic council representatives through indirect or proxy malpractices.

3- George III had nine patronages .

4- They are financed with anonymous donations and patronages , and often members participate in the construction.

5- The fifteenth century also witnessed a significant amount of growth in the festivals and patronages for Saint George.

6- Through their many patronages of churches and other monuments, the Hasan-Jalalyans helped cultivate Armenian culture throughout the region.

7- Some za, the puppet theatre companies, consisted of nearly 100 members and, under the protection and patronages of the Imperial household, the Lords of Tokushima Domain and rich merchants, and za companies, made tours to other domains and places.

8- In Detroit, a new system of black politics was under way through manipulating the clergy leaders with large church donations and other patronages .

9- When Diana became patron of the Welsh National Opera, one of the original five patronages she took on when she became Princess of Wales, she confessed that she did not know very much about opera – and that her principal love was ballet.

10- Whether Diana’s interest in Birthright was planted by her obstetrician George Pinker, who was then its president, or by several of her friends who have had problems and become involved, her decision to add Birthright to her list of patronages marked a turning point in its history.

11- The task was to set up the office, get a system going to deal with the fan mail, gifts and general correspondence, liaise with dress designers and process the requests for patronages as they came in.

12- Unfortunately, after Alfonso’s death, Sancho IV of Castile, his self-appointed successor, dismantled most of the team of translators, and soon most of its members transferred their efforts to other activities under new patronages , many of them leaving the city of Toledo.

13- A Patron could be the King, one of the Universities, a Town or Burgh Council or a landowner, such as the Duke of Argyle (who had nine patronages ).

14- Mary’s current patronages include cultural organisations, the Danish fashion industry humanitarian aid, research and science, social, health and humanitarian organisations and sporting organisations.

15- Mary’s patronages range across areas of culture, the fashion industry, humanitarian aid, support for research and science, social and health patronages and sport (golf and swimming).

16- Mary’s patronages range across areas of culture, the fashion industry, humanitarian aid, support for research and science, social and health patronages and sport (golf and swimming).

17- Her other patronages include the International School of Paris, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, which she also founded, the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco, the Monte Carlo Garden Club and The Spring Arts Festival.

18- The Duchess is also an honorary member of other patronages and in February 2012, she was elected a bencher of The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn.

19- He was a member of the supervisory board of De Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch central bank), a member of the Advisory Council of ECP (the information society forum for government, business and civil society), patron of Veterans’ Day and held several other patronages and posts.

20- There are also 48 associate memberships available for an annual fee of £14,000 (£) and an unlimited number of ” patronages ” for the cost of £4,000 per year (£).

21- A highly celebrated saint in both the Western and Eastern Christian churches, a large number of Patronages of Saint George exist throughout the world.

22- Her patronages also included British Red Cross Youth, Relate marriage counselors and the British Deaf Association, for which she learned sign language.

23- She was also patron of Natural History Museum and president of Royal Academy of Music which are patronages currently held by the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Gloucester.

24- The Queen is still Numero Uno , the big cheese who every charity wants as its royal patron – she has more than 600 charity patronages .

25- The Palace will step up the number of patronages in the coming months and claims that Kate is a plastic princess will soon fade .

26- Her spokesman insists she still intends to pursue a career in that field but she currently seems more intent on building a portfolio of patronages befitting a princess who is sixth in line to the throne .

27- Now anyone from distinctive nation and are starting big business in in you must have interpretation a providers, on this different kinds of translation businesses in the business. however got to pick the right translation organization which provides the finest legal your patronages for.

28- Patronages of the Immaculate Conception

29- Battles and patronages

30- Marian shrines and patronages

31- Patronages

32- Patronages

33- Patronages and orders

34- Patronages

35- Patronages

36- Patronages

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