Use ‘patrolman’ in a sentence | ‘patrolman’ example sentences
1- A lieutenant and three patrolmen were assigned to each district.
2- The young patrolman was watching Patrick’s hands.
3- Wei was subsequently demoted to a patrolman .
4- The evidence of Patrolman Baker has already been noted.
5- Patrolman : You slept here all night?
6- We have taken the patrolmen to the hospital grounds.
7- The patrolman claimed that the rear license plate light was not working.
8- Connie Sullivan shot Patrolman Hutton twice during the struggle.
9- The system was flawed in that patrolmen could not answer back.
10- Patrolman : No, ma’am.
11- The traffic patrolman signalled for the speeding lady driver to pull over.
12- Barrow joined in, firing at Patrolman Murphy.
13- Later a California highway patrolman suspiciously questions Daria.
14- All motorcycle patrolmen were commissioned officers.
15- Every lockman and patrolman had a house but one.
16- The patrolman grunted and walked back to his vehicle.
17- Kost also is a Plum police patrolman .
18- I got stopped by a highway patrolman who gave me a ticket.
19- Patrolmen appointed by the Lake George Park Commission.
20- Patrolman : There are plenty of motels in this area.
21- Patrolman Charles Skelly pursued, finally forcing Burke off the road.
22- Walker is a corrupt African American patrolman in the Western District.
23- Patrolman Ed Henderson was shot, but fully recovered from his wounds.
24- Patrolmen had taken it there after its discovery in a church basement.
25- As the patrolmen approached the car, they were unexpectedly met with gunfire.
26- A patrolman finally broke in through a window into a second-story bedroom.
27- Murka and one patrolman waited at the foot of the ramp.
28- Hipólito GarcÃa killed Davis, while two other patrolmen shot Blake.
29- Patrolmen were dragged from their cars.
30- This program allows patrolmen the opportunity to lead as a rank of Sergeant.
31- A patrolman marched at my car with a flashlight, waving me away.
32- Patrolman : In quite a hurry.
33- See warning by a Highway Patrolman .
34- Patrolman : Well, is there?
35- The town also had a night watchman and later, a full-time patrolman .
36- But see the warning below about this by a California Highway Patrolman .
37- Broome County special patrolman , appointed by the Broome County Attorney.
38- Patrolman Jan Mulder was born on September 20, 1938 in the Netherlands.
39- In 1918, the salary for patrolmen was set at $1,400 a year.
40- Veteran Daytona 500 commentator Ken Squier appears as a California Highway Patrolman . The first patrolman to go was the one who started a fistfight being drunk off duty.
41- Corporal Paul and Patrolman Moore stopped a vehicle with Ohio registration, when a woman, one of three individuals in the vehicle, fired a pistol at the two officers.
42- Rookie patrolman Dan Garret originally fought crime as the Blue Beetle without the benefit of superhuman abilities.
43- Click shoots a camper and steals his horse, and heads further up to the hills on horseback, chased after by a motor patrolman.
44- On July 30, 1934, as the strike came close to conclusion, Lundeberg was elected Sailor’s Union of the Pacific patrolman for the Seattle area.
45- While Lupo was still a patrolman in the 27th Precinct, he witnessed a Christmas morning crime scene in which a father murdered his wife and two children.
46- Every lockman and patrolman had a house but one.
47- ” On January 1, 1887, he was made a regular patrolman and became a detective three years later.
48- As he was escorting an attractive blonde woman across the sidewalk to a taxi, Davis was told by Patrolman Gerald Kilduff to “move on.
49- The killers were chased unsuccessfully up Eighth Avenue by a foot patrolman who had heard the gunshots and commandeered a passing taxi.
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