patrimonies in a sentence

Use ‘patrimonies’ in a sentence | ‘patrimonies’ example sentences

1- In appropriating the patrimonies of the two executed Igorevichi, Vsevolod increased his personal holdings.

2- Numerous poorhouses, hospitals, orphanages and hospices for pilgrims were maintained out of the revenues of the patrimonies .

3- The Galenga territory here mentioned comprised the entire of the present Diocese of Ardagh; and included the patrimonies of the families of O’Hara and O’Gara.

4- Justinian II during the reign of Conon also decreased taxes on the patrimonies of Bruttium and Lucania, releasing those conscripted into the army as security on those payments.

5- During the pontificate of John V (684–685), the Emperor substantially lessened the taxation burden on papal patrimonies in Sicily and Calabria, also eliminating the surtax on grains and other imperial taxes.

6- Rurik Rostislavich conferred with Vsevolod Yurevich and prince David Rostislavich of Smolensk, and they commanded Yaroslav to promise not to seize their patrimonies of Kiev and Smolensk from them, their children, or any other member of the House of Monomashichi.

7- He soon received Trastámara (ruled 1132–45), which was long to be associated with the patrimonies of the Traba.

8- In the original document of Quiercy Pepin promised to restore to the pope the lands of central Italy conquered by Aistulf, especially in the exarchate and the Roman Duchy, and of a number of patrimonies in the Lombard Kingdom and the Duchies of Spoleto and Benevento.

9- Revenues from the patrimonies were used for administration, to maintain and build churches, to equip convents, run the papal household and support the clergy, but also to a great extent to relieve public and private want.

10- Other Italian patrimonies included the Neapolitan with the Island of Capri, that of Gaeta, the Tuscan, the Patrimonium Tiburtinum in the vicinity of Tivoli, estates about Otranto, Osimo, Ancona, Umana, estates near Ravenna and Genoa and lastly properties in Istria, Sardinia and Corsica.

11- Most of the remote patrimonies were lost in the eighth century, so the patrimonia around Rome began to be managed with especial care, headed up by deacons directly subordinate to the pope.

12- But the patrimonies in the vicinity of Rome (the successors to the classical latifundia in the Ager Romanus), which had begun to form in the 7th century, were the most numerous.

13- Apart from a number of scattered possessions in Dalmatia, and southern Gaul, the patrimonies were naturally for the most part situated in Italy and on the adjacent islands.

14- In this cities and villages the emergence of an associative movement led to the creation of permanent city councils, and to the association of artisan in guilds or “confrarías”, which would in time acquire a religious hue just to avoid being banned or punished in their patrimonies .

15- The Kremlin Museums were established in 1961 and the complex was among the first Soviet patrimonies inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1990.

16- Glover was a signatory to the April 2003 anti-war letter “To the Conscience of the World” that criticized the unilateral American invasion of Iraq that led to “massive loss of civilian life” and “devastation of one of the cultural patrimonies of humanity”.

17- The tradition of dividing patrimonies among brothers meant that the Frankish realm was ruled, nominally, as one polity subdivided into several “regna” (kingdoms or subkingdoms).

18- Tensions between Gregory and the imperial court began around 722, when emperor Leo III attempted to raise taxes on the papal patrimonies in Italy, draining the Papacy’s monetary reserves.

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