pastern in a sentence

Use ‘pastern’ in a sentence | ‘pastern’ example sentences

1- May have slight pastern bones relative to large coffin bone.

2- If the pasterns are more upright there is further stress.

3- Rear pasterns are nearly perpendicular to the ground.

4- The pasterns should be strong and slightly sloping.

5- Images of the left hind pastern were presented.

6- When viewed in profile, the pasterns are nearly erect.

7- The pasterns slope very slightly, but are not weak.

8- Feet down at the pastern are a serious fault.

9- Especially noticed in the area of the cannon & pastern .

10- The pasterns are short, powerful, straight, and flexible.

11- The pasterns are upright if they are angled more toward the vertical.

12- There are many sound horses with obvious ringbone in their pasterns .

13- Pasterns are strong, springy and almost perpendicular to ground.

14- Pasterns are slightly springy, strong but not steep.

15- This muscle extends the carpal, pastern , and coffin joints.

16- Wavy hair growth or hair loss is visible in the pastern area.

17- Pasterns slightly springy, strong, not steep.

18- Shoulder and pastern angles are not fixed, contrary to popular belief.

19- Rear pasterns are relatively short in length and nearly perpendicular to the ground.

20- Weak pasterns , incorrect tail set.

21- The leg joints were well-defined, the pasterns short and the feet tough.

22- Firmly adherent scabs are found in the pastern and heel regions.

23- Granulation tissue or scars are visible on the pasterns or coronet band.

24- Look closely at the fetlocks, pasterns and hocks.

25- A long, upright pastern has the same performance consequences as short and upright.

26- The navicular bone lies behind the coffin bone and under the small pastern bone.

27- One horrified look told him that Daisy had already sunk to her pasterns .

28- Abnormal twisting of pastern and cannon predisposes fetlocks to injury.

29- Subsequently, there is edematous swelling of the pastern and fetlock areas.

30- The muscles begin above the knee and attach to the coffin and pastern bones.

31- The hock is hooked and closed but big enough, the pastern is short.

32- The legs are strong and short, with relatively long cannon bones and short pasterns .

33- Metatarsus (Rear pastern ): Perpendicular to the ground.

34- The pastern and coffin joints are located in the lower limb of all four legs.

35- The horse’s pasterns have darker hair than the rest of the horse’s coat.

36- The coffin bone inside the hoof should line up straight with both bones in the pastern .

37- Associated with upright rear pasterns .

38- Distal sesamoidean ligaments: run from the sesamoid bones to the two pastern bones.

39- Long pasterns have been favored because they can diffuse impact, giving a more comfortable ride.

40- The groom should clean the frog by picking up the hoof and folding the pastern upward. High ringbone: The horse will have a bony growth around the pastern area, and the pastern will have less mobility.

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