pass sentence in a sentence

Use ‘pass sentence’ in a sentence | ‘pass sentence’ example sentences

1- The judge had 30 days to pass sentence .

2- Magistrates watched the seven minute video before passing sentence .

3- The court must state the particular circumstances when passing sentence .

4- Never mind those who pass sentence on apostles!

5- Does he not pass sentence on his own conduct?

6- They nodded slowly, solemnly, like a jury passing sentence .

7- Ned himself passes sentence and beheads him.

8- She said it the way judges passed sentence at Nuremberg.

9- Baron Lefroy then proceeded to pass sentence .

10- These courts passed sentence on the spot, without possibility of appeal.

11- Cranog Jones showed no emotion as the judge passed sentence .

12- Passing sentence , Judge Batty said that both men had taken drink.

13- I will pass sentence tomorrow when I have seen all the papers.

14- This is where the various judicial structures of the gang meet to pass sentence .

15- Passing sentence , the judge spoke of Wall’s betrayal of the young girl.

16- Passing sentence , Lord Sutherland said he took into account Hynd’s domestic background.

17- Passing sentence , Rafferty said: “You robbed three innocent ladies of their lives.

18- In passing sentence , the judge indulged in some scathing strictures against Tilak’s conduct.

19- Woman, where are those — thine accusers? did no one pass sentence upon thee?

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