pashas in a sentence

Use ‘pashas’ in a sentence | ‘pashas’ example sentences

1- During the 18th century, dynasties of pashas became established.

2- On this a bloody struggle began between the two pashas .

3- Subsequent ” pashas ” lost their grip on Timbuktu.

4- Parthenon, The, I. 17″ pashas .

5- Two days later, the “Three pashas ” all fled into exile.

6- pashas also often exhibit a square ink stamp, “Made in Italy”.

7- The following years brought a clash of interests between the Three pashas and Batzaria.

8- He was hired by many pashas , his most recent employer being Pasha Pook.

9- pashas were composed of B20 alloy, cast bronze, and machine and hand hammered.

10- Three pashas , 7,000 Janissaries and 28,000 other soldiers are said to have perished.

11- They targeted Moroccan pashas still in Timbuktu and the mansas of Manden.

12- pashas , or viceroys, represented the Istanbul government in name only, operating independently.

13- The Ottoman casualties were counted as 45,000, including four pashas killed and a hundred standards taken.

14- A LONG line of pharaohs, pashas , kings and presidents has ignored public opinion in Egypt.

15- David S. Landes: “Bankers and pashas : International Finance and Economic Imperialism in Egypt.

16- Talaat, with Enver Pasha and Djemal Pasha, formed a group later known as the Three pashas .

17- Traditionally, sons of Ottoman élite (sons of Vezirs, pashas and Beys) served in this unit.

18- This was done in private audiences with the pashas and caïds, and by a public demonstration by their assembled tribespeoples.

19- Mr. Parkinson was commanded to send a copy of the book to each of the eight pashas of the Imperial Divan.

20- On 2 November, the Three pashas (Talaat, Enver, and Djemal) escaped from Constantinople into exile.

21- The Sultan ordered his pashas to cease hostilities against the Commonwealth but the Tatars for a month continued to ravage Polish territory.

22- The pashas of Tripoli traded horses, firearms, and armor via Fez with the sultans of the Bornu Empire for slaves.

23- Outside lie the graves of warlike pashas , sayyids, and ulema, including Ebussuud Efendi, the great tafsir scholar, and reviver of the Shari’a in the time of Sultan Suleyman.

24- Kaiser Wilhelm II, the mercurial archaeologist Max von Oppenheim, and “the Three pashas ,” Cemal, Enver, and Talat, loom large.

25- Major figures in the Young Turk government, including Cemal, Enver, and Talaat pashas were condemned to death in absentia, as were Drs. Nazim and Sakir.

26- Talât, Enver, and Cemal (Jemal) pashas became virtual dictators through their control of the Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti, the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), a subset of the Young Turks.

27- Abstract The character of the Young Turk dictatorship of Talât, Enver, and Cemal (Jemal) pashas during the twilight of the Ottoman Empire reveals elements conducive to genocide.

28- The Damianis had bought the decrepit domed buildings from the Jaffa municipality and for several decades after the First World War the name of Damiani was proudly displayed in English and Arabic over the vaulted gateway where Turkish pashas once administered the law.

29- His army was then estimated at sixty thousand men ; but other pashas were following him, and were recruiting his army with new troops from all parts of Asia, as far as Mount Caucasus.

30- After offending the authorities with ‘The Red pashas ‘ (1975), a politically satirical poem, he was subjected a self-criticism session at the Writers’ Union and forbidden to publish for three years.

31- Many Vlachs served in Ottoman armies during their conquests and when the towns of Lišnica and Novigrad were captured along with large parts of the Una valley, Bušević and the Krupa River, Orthodox Vlachs from Bosnia settled there under the protection of Bosnian pashas and beys.

32- Hürrem and Rüstem are com plotting against Mustafa while Mustafa earns the love of public, soldiers and pashas because of his bravery, intelligence and his similarity to his grandfather Selim I.

33- He was, personally, very much in favor of an alliance of the Ottoman Empire with France, but had to give up this idea because of the resistance of the two other pashas which formed the government, Enver and Talat.

34- According to his own statements, he was acquainted with figures at the forefront of the Young Turks organizations: Mehmed Talat, Ahmed Djemal (the future “Three pashas “, alongside Enver), Mehmet Cavit Bey, Hafiz Hakki and others.

35- He was tasked with several diplomatic missions, including attending the London Conference of 1913, but, alerted by the Three pashas‘ World War I alliances and the Young Turks’ nationalism, he soon after quit the Ottoman political scene and left into voluntary exile.

36- The victorious Young Turk Revolution brought Batzaria to the forefront of Ottoman politics, ensuring him a seat in the Ottoman Senate, and he briefly served as Minister of Public Works under the Three pashas .

37- As a result many Bosnians were appointed to serve as beylerbeys, sanjak-beys, mullahs, pashas , muftis, janissary commanders, writers, and so forth in Istanbul, Jerusalem and Medina.

38- Pasha cymbals were Italian-made cymbals from the early 1960s through early 1970s. A stencil brand produced in the UFIP factory, pashas were the stock cymbal for Rogers Drums and appear in Rogers catalogues of this era.

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