particulates in a sentence

Use ‘particulates’ in a sentence | ‘particulates’ example sentences

1- Both gas cars and diesel engines both emit fine particulates .

2- Primary processing systems remove moisture and particulates .

3- Carbon monoxide and particulates are beneficial to life ?

4- The atmosphere is inundated with these particulates .

5- particulates to air are comprised principally of smoke and dust particles.

6- These two factors result in better separation of dust particulates .

7- It has lower CO2 emissions and emits practically no particulates .

8- particulates cause poor visibility, especially in the winter.

9- Other than filtering out solid particulates what is this technology ?

10- In cities, most particulates come from traffic fumes.

11- particulates in the air may have caused this.

12- Petroleum refineries release hydrocarbons and various particulates that pollute the air.

13- Indirect effects of particulates represent the largest uncertainty in radiative forcing.

14- particulates created from gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in photochemical smog.

15- Smoke and particulates were especially high in Gardiner, Montana.

16- Baghouses which filter and collect particulates in asphalt plants.

17- Molten sulfate and lead particulates also have such effect.

18- The liquid level is composed of grease, scum and other particulates .

19- The film is coated with an epoxy resin and cut into particulates .

20- Fine particulates are emitted from the diesel engines of buses and trucks .

21- It is usually caused by the emission of particulates or nitrogen dioxide.

22- It collects soot and other combustion particulates .

23- particulates are small particles (aerosols) suspended in the air.

24- Protozoa- Help consume bacteria, fungi and micro organic particulates .

25- Sulfur dioxide emissions are a precursor to acid rain and atmospheric particulates .

26- Use of laminar-flow bench to isolate core from room particulates .

27- The deposited tephra particulates make the local soil very permeable.

28- particulates are particles that can be visible or subvisible.

29- particulates of this size are referred to as PM-10 particles.

30- In air , fluorides can be present as gases or particulates .

31- For example in wastewater treatment, household waste and other particulates are screened.

32- In no other surrounding communities were particulates found to be above acceptable levels.

33- Smog contains soot particulates , sulfur dioxide, and other components.

34- This results in lower emissions of sulfur dioxide, particulates , and mercury.

35- Black carbon particulates were up to order of magnitudes higher and more variable.

36- The IARC and WHO designate airborne particulates a Group 1 carcinogen.

37- particulates in stormwater can clog pores in the material.

38- Once contact is made, dust particulates and water droplets combine to form agglomerates.

39- The pollutant of concern is particulates , just like the rock crushing operations.

40- Aerosols and other particulates absorb solar energy and reflect sunlight back into space. 27007Agricultural burning also spews huge amounts of particulates into the air.

41- Once contact is made, dust particulates and water droplets combine to form agglomerates .

42- Biological sources of air pollution are also found indoors, as gases and airborne particulates.

43- Higher levels of particulates were observed during winter months possibly due to lower mixing heights and more calm conditions.

44- The WHO also introduced new measurement guidelines for very small particulates which are more dangerous to pulmonary function.

45- These measures restrict the number of particulates within the atmosphere, and inhibit growth in those that are viable.

46- There are hourly, 24 hour and annual targets for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, and 24 hour and annual targets for particulates.

47- Nanofibers of polyaniline, unlike conventional micronscale polyaniline particulates characteristically disperse in water and other solvents.

48- These chemicals and particulates are most pronounced when operating contactors, as they typically conduct higher contact power and run in the open.

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