particularizes in a sentence

Use ‘particularizes’ in a sentence | ‘particularizes’ example sentences

1- Dooyeweerd emphasizes here that the fullness of meaning particularizes itself into the diversity of meaning.

2- In true confession a man particularizes sin A wicked man acknowledges he is a sinner in general.

3- It is creativity that particularizes the common, fitting together the usual and the unusual in each situation.

4- So to summarize: in my thinking, an archetype is a construct used to describe shared or collective experiences of the implicate order that each individual particularizes .

5- In the next sentence, Jesus, if we mistake not, particularizes a third feature in the state of spiritual maturity to which He would have His disciples aspire.

6- ” Gebser emphasized that biological evolution is an “enclosing” process which particularizes a species to a limited environment.

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