Use ‘particularization’ in a sentence | ‘particularization’ example sentences
1- Positivizing is a particularization of the law.
2- Ms will not offer particularization with the exam design as well as routine .
3- All such pathologies registered the move towards the particularization of social problems and their solutions.
4- These results are nothing more than a particularization of the first isomorphism theorem in universal algebra.
5- Some patients present a main complaint that carries characteristic particularizations with sensations and modalities found only in a few remedies.
6- As to the logical universality of whatever social principles emerge, conditions 3 and 4 in Table 5.1 protect against particularization .
7- While circumscription was initially defined in the first-order logic case, the particularization to the propositional case is easier to define.
8- In romantic architecture excess comes in the detail of decoration, sculpture, and other particularizations that are not defined by the overarching Spinozistic unity of the building in the way that the building’s basic plan is defined.
9- Examples are prime numbers, relays, rocket engines, solutions of Bessel’s equation, etc. The application of set theory addressed here involves a considerable particularization .
10- The individual terms are numerous, with Ibn al-Salah including sixty-five in his “Introduction to the Science of Hadith” and then commenting: “This is the end of them, but not the end of what is possible, as this is subject to further particularization to an innumerable extent.
11- Each stage is characterized by a simultaneous increase in abstraction and particularization , which are held in tension with one another, and each is taken to present greater difficulties for the subject attempting to resolve these into its own development.
12- In this way particularization is viewed as operating in the service of categorization, rather than as the counterpart, which provides the possibility of negation.
13- Moscovici (1983: 32-3) does not entirely neglect particularization but, interestingly, he treats it as a means of anchoring or classification, rather than as a means of ‘turning round’ our schemata, to use Bartlett’s appropriate phrase (Bartlett, 1932).
14- Truth cannot be confined to traditional religions, nor can any particular religion claim to have a monopoly of Truth, for where that kind of particularization of the Ultimate takes place, we are face to face with what Tillich calls demonization.
15- This is referred to as a form of idolatry; it is the particularization or objectification of the Ultimate and consequently a form of demonization.
16- Symbols, for Tillich, do not wholly contain the Ultimate and, in his view, there can be no finite particularization of the Ultimate or Holy.
17- “‘ particularization – Concrete forms produced by Spirit.
18- In particular, it is possible to represent generalization/ particularization processes applied to concepts, activities data etc.
19- (The preference for the word “reduction” here instead of “rewriting” constitutes a departure from the uniform use of “rewriting” in the names of systems that are particularizations of ARS.
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