Use ‘particularity’ in a sentence | ‘particularity’ example sentences
1- The documents are “described with reasonable particularity “.
2- Regional particularities must however be taken into account.
3- A focus on concrete experience and particularity .
4- Besides the usual graphical representation the device provides two more particularities .
5- Finding his smells, learning his particularity .
6- Yet British particularities were involved as well.
7- Where does the distinction between particularity and specificity have its roots?
8- Significantly, Moore stresses case study’s connection to particularity .
9- A typical particularity of the emo hair style is the bang.
10- Time and place are transcended without the loss of authentic particularity .
11- Particularities of air element people are juridical and reasonable arguments.
12- A particularity of Tudor’s movement was its critique of materialism.
13- There is no fixed equation about the particularities of seeking Him.
14- A particularity and distinction that also extends to its marine life.
15- One can see its colors and particularities through this process.
16- For most residences, a street address usually satisfies the particularity requirement.
17- These action plans take into consideration regional and local particularities and resources.
18- We find particularity in the diversity (I, 59).
19- That’s the particularity of these images in Scripture.
20- However, due to historical particularities , this was not always practical.
21- All parts of the plant, particularity the seeds , are poisonous.
22- Beauty, tranquillity, history, place, particularity ?
23- This concrete universal unites universality and particularity and asserts the primacy of experience.
24- Each month has its own particularities .
25- There can be no Muslim ‘scandal of particularity ‘.
26- particularity in Immigration rules: Immigration rules vary from country to country.
27- It reasoned that customary international law did not define those violations with sufficient particularity .
28- On one hand particularity , distinction, individuality, life, time.
29- Nevertheless, the event has implications far beyond the confines of its particularity .
30- Links between this growth and the particularities of this learning environment are considered.
31- The occupiers complained by way of judicial review that the warrant lacked particularity .
32- The choice of definition is dependent on the particularities of the species concerned.
33- The materialist grid fails to grasp what is truly human, our particularity .
34- Specifically, people may start highlighting their ethnic particularities and discriminating against ethnic others.
35- But too many Americans have their particularities and their generalities mixed up.
36- While Johannine-Synoptic contact is likely, its features must be considered in particularity .
37- The issue of impartiality and particularity has received a lot of attention of late.
38- But the particularity , as Shakespeare formulates it, also creates intimacy.
39- I’m great at special effects when developing videos – I particularity enjoy green screen. CJWI has the particularity of having its transmitter site on the top of a building, a rarity among AM stations.
40- He has developed a philosophy known as value-centered historicism, which demonstrates the potential union of universality and historical particularity.
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