participator in a sentence

Use ‘participator’ in a sentence | ‘participator’ example sentences

1- They are participators in life, at a different stage.

2- The private-eye seizes it as a participator .

3- Ms. Loring – A scientist under Hale and participator in the Nuform project.

4- Children must be active participators by observing and modeling activities that are useful to the whole community.

5- On an individual level participators in situations of conflict can either be perpetrators, bystanders or altruists.

6- participators in Commencement are ranked according to their cumulative GPA after spring semester of the senior year.

7- Should you visit alt.hypnosis , many of the participators will use this technique and nothing else.

8- This ensure that there is something going on the whole time for both the spectator and the participator .

9- For comedy improv, participators or more definitely actors, being funny and comedic can be a difficult task sometimes.

10- At the close of that struggle, nearly every adult male had been a participator in some of its scenes.

11- Government informants also identified Asa Danforth Jr., Joseph Brant and Silvester Tiffany as participators in the revolt.

12- Yoko Ono has co-created the Skyladder piece with the installation participators before so this is not the first time.

13- Unlike traditional discipline meetings, the content of BarCampCHS is decided not by the coordinators, but by the participators .

14- It is used in Hebrews 3:1 where the recipients of this letter are called participators in the heavenly calling.

15- This tax is included within the CTSA system and the company must report loans outstanding to participators in the tax return.

16- In our heart of hearts we know it, and know that we are participators , actors, in the conflict.

17- Loans to participators in close companies are one aspect of corporate tax liability that will assume particular importance under the new regime.

18- He was present, although not a participator in the stoning, when Stephen, the first martyr, met his death.

19- The delightful sweetness of the apparition in which Jesus made him participator so enraptured him, that he knew not what he said, not considering that glory can be attained only through sufferings, the crown through fight, joy through crosses and afflictions.

20- Dyson illustrates this in a summary of the progress of two strikingly different friends – Jake, an inveterate actor and participator in his own stories, and Manuel, a director who initially remained outside his stories.

21- He added that the violence had occurred towards the end of the rally, when a group of participators broke away from the crowd and brutally attacked the police with rocks, bats and bottles.

22- ASPIRATION Grant us, O meek Jesus, Thy grace, that through perfect sorrow for our sins and the exercise of good works we may become participators in the merits of Thy bitter passion.

23- These Hebrews became participators in the Holy Spirit insofar as an unsaved person can do so, namely, in the sense that they willingly co-operated with Him in receiving His pre-salvation ministry, that of leading them on step by step toward the act of faith.

24- So you don’t flash the symbols of the elite like Kanye West and Jay-Z and Madonna do (obvious participators and loyal to the elite), but you participate to some degree to one of their many agendas.

25- This cost-effective nature of a scholarship was a matter I had been asked to justify when I first asked my new assistant chief constable about the potential of postgraduate research as an ‘observing participator ‘.

26- This is so because a limited accountability in terms only of satisfying employers in local authorities or inspectors of schools has given way to openness and to the multiplication of participators who claim a say in the running of education.

27- Reluctant participators who start off with a limited range of interest and involvement in management are unlikely to find it easy to commit themselves to new and broader aims.

28- Nor, in an atmosphere of reluctance, can the initiator be confident that a participator‘s initial dependence on other people’s ideas and energy will in due course be turned into well-informed independence.

29- There may also be a need to make a payment to HMRC equal to 25% of the loan under the ‘loans to participators’ rules.

30- The trustees are shareholders and participators in Newco and a loan to a participator gives rise to a corporation tax charge on Newco under s419 TA 1988.

31- The trustees are shareholders and participators in Newco and a loan to a participator gives rise to a corporation tax charge on Newco under s419 TA 1988.

32- When a close company makes a loan to a participator , s419 TA 1988 makes the company liable to corporation tax at the rate of Advance Corporation Tax (” ACT”) in force at the time.

33- After having successfully completed two Interims, senior participators may satisfy the third Interim requirement by means of a summer course taken during a St. Olaf summer session after the commencement in which the student participates.

34- There is little chance of the” professional” participator emerging with real understanding, for to find out the truth of religion it has to be wrestled with and lived, not just safely and probably patronizingly studied from a safe distance.

35- As they met at a general assembly on arriving at the park, participators decided to shelve the tent city model of protest temporarily and to resume regular meetings at the downtown public square.

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