parlous in a sentence

Use ‘parlous’ in a sentence | ‘parlous’ example sentences

1- Her beauties are described and his parlous state explained.

2- It is hard to overstate how parlous the situation is.

3- The death of Vial left his widow in parlous straits.

4- It deals with the aftermath of Tiny Tim’s parlous health.

5- Sue has been described as “highly strung” with a parlous emotional state.

6- Previous reports had already demonstrated the parlous state of medical provision in the area.

7- Derbyshire is probably in the most parlous state of all the first-class counties.

8- They began , of course, under the parlous economic stewardship of Ronald Reagan.

9- Chauvel’s annual reports tended to emphasise the parlous state of the nation’s defences.

10- This was due to the parlous financial state of the country prior to the French Revolution.

11- By this point, Chelsea were in a parlous financial state and losing £12,000 a week.

12- What had helped was that other economies were in as parlous a state , if not worse.

13- The person immediately responsible for this parlous state of affairs is Times Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren.

14- The politically powerful utilities have resisted such reforms but have little choice given the parlous state of their finances .

15- Their goal difference of minus thirty-two after just 9 games is perhaps more indicative of their rather parlous situation.

16- But it still didn’t stop me having a perfectly valid opinion on the parlous state of contemporary kits.

17- He makes his way to the Headmaster’s study, intending to leave it in a parlous state.

18- It’s a parlous state of affairs, which is why it indeed is true that Rhodesians never die.

19- Their so called ‘ Zionism ‘ is what has so contributed to this parlous state of affairs on campus .

20- Putting the worst light on these letters, some might say that the industry is in a parlous state.

21- The mill was relegated to storage for many years, and by the 1960s was in a somewhat parlous state.

22- Business leaders and trade unions sounded the alarm this week over the parlous state of the eurozone ‘s third largest economy.

23- In 1847, a critic using the pseudonym “Dramaticus” published a pamphlet describing the parlous state of British theatre.

24- Financial woes continued and by the end of the company’s third year of operation it was in a parlous state.

25- The parlous American economy was thrown into chaos with prices soaring and unexpected shortages causing hardship with New England was considering secession.

26- An exceptional effort is required and the parlous state of Russia’s institutions means that a lot of aid might be wasted.

27- His best chance of not going to prison while he awaits trial lies in the parlous state of South Africa ‘s jails.

28- Countries no longer pursue inward looking policies, save for one or two die-hard holdouts whose parlous state demonstrates the awful price of rejecting globalisation and going it alone.

29- After several hours of fighting and with no reserves, Bonaparte’s position was parlous and, at about 2pm, the French line began to give way.

30- QPR only just avoided descending further into anonymity; since the end of the season, Crystal Palace have been threatened with eviction for non-payment of bills; Sheffield United’s top-half finish was remarkable given their parlous financial state, as was Portsmouth’s eventual survival.

31- I got to know him at the time of the Economic Summit Conference in September 1984 that he helped organize so that interest groups could express their opinions about what needed to be done to rescue the country from the parlous state to which Robert Muldoon had brought it.

32- IMPLICATIONS: To a large extent, the current parlous state of freedom of expression in Turkey is a result of a change in perpetrators rather than practices.

33- It seems a vast certainty to me, however, that a man of Toretto’s infamy could not long take his ease before the lure of criminal labors along the parlous edges of civilized society would tempt him again.

34- A crisis of confidence among Britain’s producers was the result of this sort of taunting, and from around this time one begins to detect in the press a sense that the nation’s honour was threatened by its film industry’s parlous condition.

35- He laid bare the parlous state of Spain when he noted that during the four months the left wing Popular Front government had been in power 160 churches had been burned to the ground and there had been 269 mainly political murders and 1287 assaults.

36- It hurts Lew’s already parlous prospects that John Fletcher was one of the signatories to yesterday’s letter, signalling publicly that senior management has chosen sides.

37- IT IS no secret that, however welcome the social change in the former Soviet Union, it has left many orchestras and opera houses in parlous financial circumstances.

38- If your only answer is to pour more money on the problem then I would direct your attention to the parlous condition of other more deserving sectors of our society. A litany of broken promises and a stalled budget have left his achievements looking parlous.

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